
Employment &
Social Inclusion



28 Jan 2021

CECOP Board member Francesca Montalti appointed to EU Industrial Forum

News Press release

CECOP is pleased to announce that the European Commission has invited CECOP Board Member Francesca Montalti to join the recently established EU Industrial Forum Expert Group.

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27 Jan 2021

Op-ed: To eradicate poverty we need fairer taxation

News Press release

On the occasion of the launch of Oxfam's report 'The Inequality Virus', CECOP President Giuseppe Guerini comments on how worker and social cooperatives can contribute to the fight against inequalities.

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12 Jan 2021

CECOP welcomes ambitious work programme of the Portuguese EU Presidency


In light of the current Portuguese Council Presidency, CECOP reiterates the importance of worker and social cooperatives in the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and a human centered digital and green transiti...

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10 Dec 2020

CECOP Bulletin on EU Social Affairs #5

Publication EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP is happy to announce the publication of the fifth edition of our biannual bulletin on EU-related social affairs and legislative monitoring to keep informed its members as well as other interested actors and stakeholders.

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07 Dec 2020

CECOP welcomes recognition of the Social Economy in European Parliament’s Report on the EU Industry strategy


European Parliament calls Commission to account for social economy enterprises in the new EU industry strategy.

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20 Oct 2020

Common Statement: Sustainable future with coops - EU Green Week

Press release

CECOP together with Cooperatives Europe and its sectorial organisations (cooperatives in retail, banking, housing, farming, energy) have released a common statement on cooperatives' contribution to sustainability on the occasion o...

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16 Sep 2020

CECOP reacts to EU Commission’s President State of the Union address

News Press release

On September 16th, 2020 Commission President von der Leyen gave her first state of the European Union address in the European Parliament. CECOP welcomes the ambitions of the Commission to tackle the dual green and digital transiti...

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15 Jul 2020

CECOP Bulletin on EU Social Affairs #4

Publication EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP is happy to announce the publication of the fourth edition of our biannual bulletin on EU-related social affairs and legislative monitoring to keep informed its members as well as other interested actors and stakeholders.

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15 Jul 2020

CECOP’s policy paper on non standard and platform workers impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. A worker-owned cooperatives' perspective

Position paper EaSI / ESF+ programme

Through its working group on platforms and non-standard work, CECOP has written a policy paper on the situation of non-standard and platform workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. With input from member organizations from all acros...

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07 Jul 2020

Cooperatives fit to contribute in the new European skills agenda

News Position paper

New Commission communication lays out the European strategy to develop skills and ensure lifelong learning for European workers.

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19 Jun 2020

Social coops in new Commission’s guide on socially responsible public procurement


New commission report recognises CECOP affiliated social cooperatives as good practice examples and strategic partners in socially responsible public procurement.

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03 Jun 2020

Industrial coops at Social Economy Intergroup Meeting


During the first public hearing of the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup, CECOP presented proposals for the Social Economy Action Plan and highlighted the importance of industrial cooperatives and worker buyouts in t...

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31 Mar 2020

Message of solidarity with members affected by COVID-19

News Press release

Joint solidarity message by Iñigo Albizuri, Giuseppe Guerini and Luis Alvez, respectively Presidents of CICOPA, CECOP and CICOPA Americas to cooperatives and members affected by the COVID-19

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30 Mar 2020

Hope for cooperative SMEs: EU Adopts Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative to combat COVID-19


On the 30th of March, the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative has been adopted to ease Member States’ economic effort in the fight against COVID-19 outbreak. Cohesion funds can help SMEs, including industrial and service co...

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12 Mar 2020

EU Industrial and SME Strategies. Europe needs sustainable and human-centred enterprises such as industrial cooperatives

Position paper

The European Commission’s Industrial and SME Strategies put forward some satisfactory proposals especially on SMEs digital and green transition, but it’s still a long way to go for actual entrepreneurial diversity to be recognised...

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12 Dec 2019

CECOP Bulletin on EU Social Affairs #3

Publication EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP is happy to announce the publication of the third edition of our biannual bulletin on EU-related social affairs and legislative monitoring to keep informed its members as well as other interested actors and stakeholders.

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12 Dec 2019

Council Conclusions reaffirm role of social economy in inclusive labour market


European Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs (EPSCO Council) gathered in Brussels on the 10th of December adopted conclusions on inclusive labour market.

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11 Dec 2019

ZOOM IN on our Finnish Member – Coop Finland


CECOP had the chance to sit down with the COOP Finland to discuss the Finnish presidency, and much more.

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10 Dec 2019

The Multiplier Effect: EU financial instruments for social cooperatives and social enterprises

EaSI / ESF+ programme

Social cooperatives representatives, cooperative financing institutions, politicians and the European Commission with the European Investment Fund gathered in Milan on the 2nd of December to discuss opportunities and challenges of...

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03 Dec 2019

European Commission will develop an Action Plan for the Social Economy

Press release

On his updated mission statement Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit was asked by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to develop an Action Plan for the Social Economy

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27 Nov 2019

The 2019-2024 European Commission (finally) approved


The new college will officially take office on the 1st of December after a few weeks delay.

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15 Nov 2019

The multiplier effect: increasing the access to finance for social cooperatives through EU instruments

EaSI / ESF+ programme

Workshop co-organised by CECOP and CFI - Under the auspices of Lombardy Region

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29 Oct 2019

Council Conclusions on Economy of Well-Being: Social Economy for inclusion and quality jobs

Press release

Employment and Social Affairs Ministers call Member States and the European Commission to reinforce the role of the social economy in creating quality jobs and providing social inclusion

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03 Oct 2019

New Commission, new Parliament: nominations, confirmations and next challenges


After their appointment, the European Parliament is auditing Commissioners-designate. In the meantime, the social economy family is gathering support among Members of the European Parliaments (MEPs) to renew the Social Economy Int...

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07 Aug 2019

CECOP Bulletin on EU Social Affairs #2

Publication EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP is happy to announce the publication of the second edition of our biannual bulletin on EU-related social affairs and legislative monitoring to keep informed its members as well as other interested actors and stakeholders.

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