
Employment &
Social Inclusion



16 Mar 2017

Giuseppe Guerini, President of CECOP: “Cooperatives are a real driver of change and one of the few systems that, in today’s world, can provide opportunities for growth and the empowerment of


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26 Jan 2017

European Parliament calls for the promotion of cooperatives

Press release

CECOP welcomes the European Parliament Resolution of 19 January 2017 on a European Pillar of Social Rights, led by MEP Maria Joao Rodrigues (S&D), which recognizes that cooperatives are an integral part of the social econom...

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18 Jan 2017

The role played by cooperatives in building social justice whilst generating wealth and distributing it equitably should be fully recognized

Press release

The EU social model has been deteriorating gradually since the beginning of the crisis, with increasing levels of inequality, unemployment and a partial return to the informal economy. Young people, migrant workers and women ha...

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11 Jan 2017

25 - 26/04 CECOP General Assembly


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27 Nov 2016

5/12 > Towards a fair sharing economy: The role and place of cooperative platforms


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25 Nov 2016

Intercooperation among tech cooperatives: from New Zealand to the UK


Cooperatives from the digital sector are joining together in the UK around the Megazord project, a coalition of tech-focused cooperatives that pool their resources to achieve their shared aims: “making the world better an...

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25 Nov 2016

The President of CECOP receives recognition of the Polish cooperative movement on its 200th anniversary

Press release

The president of CECOP, Giuseppe Guerini has received the medal for the 200th anniversary of the Polish cooperative movement under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda.

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24 Nov 2016

CECOP calls for improvements to be made to European funding systems supporting cooperatives in their efforts to create and save enterprises and jobs

Press release

The “Development of cooperatives: financial instruments for investing” workshop, which was jointly organised yesterday by CECOP together with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), analysed the current funding systems...

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23 Aug 2016

Italy has adopted a reform of the third sector which introduces significant new developments


Social entrepreneurship in Italy may well be about to experience a new period of developments. The reform of the third sector, which was approved by the Parliament in June, has established a framework with a view to the introdu...

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11 Aug 2016

Cooperatives in industry and services share their expertise for the design of the EC Start Up Initiative

Position paper

CECOP has recently published the answer of cooperatives active in industry and services to a European Commission (EC) Public consultation under the Start-up Initiative. Divided into three primary phases (the stand-up phase, the...

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01 Jul 2016

Industrial and service cooperatives: essential allies to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Press release

Tomorrow is the International Day of Cooperatives. To celebrate it, the international cooperative movement is showing how those enterprises promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ‘Co-operatives:...

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27 Jun 2016

France announces the creation of the first Scop grouping: Calice


Since 31 July 2014, the law on the SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy) has authorised the creation of groupings of Scops in order to improve the model’s competitiveness. The Scop Movement has supported the efforts made to...

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27 Jun 2016

Elections: Giuseppe Guerini new President of CECOP


The General Assembly of CECOP, gathered in Brussels on 23 June, has elected Beppe Guerini as the new President of CECOP. With this election, he will also become Vice-President of CICOPA for Europe. Beppe Guerini has been a soci...

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11 May 2016

Kooperationen is planning its Second Conference on Community-owned Energy Cooperatives in Denmark


The CICOPA Danish member Kooperationen is already planning its second conference for community-owned renewable energy cooperatives, which will be organised together with the Middelgrunden wind cooperative.

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10 May 2016

Spanish women feel better and achieve higher positions working in cooperatives


When speaking about cooperatives and gender, Spain is no different from other parts of the world. Spanish women can obtain better jobs and feel better working in cooperatives.

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11 Apr 2016

Declaration on migrants and refugees

Position paper

The gravest migration and humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II and other serious challenges migrants are facing all over the world have urged cooperatives in industry and services, -which are people-centred enterpri...

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31 Mar 2016

Responsible Construction Worker Cooperatives in the Construction sector launch their CSR label


Several cooperative and participative enterprises in the French construction sector will soon be able to display the Worker Cooperatives BTP (Construction and Public Works) label on all of their documents. This label has been g...

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05 Feb 2016

CECOP welcomes GUE/NGL commitment to place Social and Solidarity Economy at the heart of the new European project

Press release

More than 200 people participated in the European Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy, “Transforming the economic and cultural paradigms”, held on 28 January in the European Parliament. The Forum, which was organized by the Eur...

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27 Jan 2016

96 years of cooperative university teaching in Romania


The name chosen by the ARTIFEX university in Rumania, which represents a response to the real social need for training for professional and managerial staff, managers and specialists who are required to both manage and organise...

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27 Jan 2016

18/03 : CECOP Board


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28 Dec 2015

November/December issue of Work Together is out!


The November/December issue of the magazine ‪Work Together‬ sharing the latest news on cooperatives active in industry and services worldwide is out! Specific articles are focused on European issues such as the latest informati...

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09 Dec 2015

Between local stakes and universal emergency: cooperatives are committed to the ecological transition


During the Cop 21, conference on climate held in Paris during which UN members must sign a new international agreement against global warming, worker cooperatives have been showcasing their good practices in sectors as diverse...

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09 Dec 2015

Juan Antonio Pedreño, representative of the Spanish worker cooperative federation, elected president of Social Economy Europe

Press release

Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of the Spanish worker cooperative confederation (COCETA) and of CEPES, the Spanish business confederation of social economy, was unanimously elected President of Social Economy Europe for...

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08 Dec 2015

Council adopts conclusions on social economy: a historic commitment for the Member States

Press release

On Monday 7th of December, the European ministers in charge of employment and social affairs met to discuss the development of the social economy in the framework of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Council (E...

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14 Nov 2015

WORKING TOGETHER FOR A COOPERATIVE FUTURE, young cooperators worldwide share their story


A video created in a collaborative manner that shares the experiences, challenges and motivations of young cooperators in 9 worker and social cooperatives from 9 countries worldwide, including 4 European examples. CICOPA, the i...

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