
Employment &
Social Inclusion



09 Dec 2015

Juan Antonio Pedreño, representative of the Spanish worker cooperative federation, elected president of Social Economy Europe

Press release

Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of the Spanish worker cooperative confederation (COCETA) and of CEPES, the Spanish business confederation of social economy, was unanimously elected President of Social Economy Europe for...

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08 Dec 2015

Council adopts conclusions on social economy: a historic commitment for the Member States

Press release

On Monday 7th of December, the European ministers in charge of employment and social affairs met to discuss the development of the social economy in the framework of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Council (E...

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14 Nov 2015

WORKING TOGETHER FOR A COOPERATIVE FUTURE, young cooperators worldwide share their story


A video created in a collaborative manner that shares the experiences, challenges and motivations of young cooperators in 9 worker and social cooperatives from 9 countries worldwide, including 4 European examples. CICOPA, the i...

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23 Oct 2015

Worker Cooperatives in the UK develop a Solidarity Fund to reinforce the movement


Cooperators united to strengthen the worker cooperative movement in the UK. A group of worker cooperatives have created a solidarity Fund to manage a common Fund paid by the monthly subscription of individuals, worker cooperati...

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28 Sep 2015

The young European cooperators network meets in Italy


On September 22nd and 23rd was held the second meeting of the Young European Cooperators network (YECN) in Italy, only 5 months after the first one hosted in Paris during which it was created and launched. The delegations, from...

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25 Sep 2015

Our new image and website launched today!


Today, CECOP has launched its new image and website. Our new, more modern and dynamic, logo alongside the slogan “Working Together”, embodying the Cooperative Marque -the global identity of the cooperative movement...

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10 Aug 2015

Summer edition: last issue of Work Together is out now!


The summer edition of the E-magazine Work Together containing the latest news on cooperatives active in Industry and Services worldwide is available in English, French and Spanish.

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29 Jul 2015

World Declaration on Worker Cooperatives

Press release

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28 Jul 2015

2012 International Year of Cooperatives


The United Nations declared 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives. It is a crucial opportunity for the cooperative movement to raise awareness of our business model and CECOP - CICOPA Europe is conscious of that.

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15 Jul 2015

CICOPA statement at the International Labour Conference, 29 May 2014

Press release

On behalf of the International Cooperative Alliance, the Secretary General of CICOPA,Bruno Roelants is representing the cooperative movement at the International Labour Conference hold from 28 May to 12 June.

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15 Jul 2015

László Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion


Keynote speech of László Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, at the Conference "Cooperatives and Work Integration of Disadvantaged Persons". It was co-organized by...

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15 Jul 2015

SUSTAINABILITY. How cooperatives foster local environmental development


This video is part of the series "Social needs, cooperative answers. How cooperatives provide sustainable community services across the world".

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15 Jul 2015

SUSTAINABILITY. The power of inter-cooperation


This video mainly focus in how groups and consortia provide community services is part of the series "Social needs, cooperative answers. How cooperatives provide sustainable community services across the world".

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15 Jul 2015

IDENTITY. How cooperatives reintegrate vulnerable groups into society


This video is part of the series "Social needs, cooperative answers. How cooperatives provide sustainable community services across the world".

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15 Jul 2015

PARTICIPATION. How multistakeholder cooperatives forter quality services


This video is part of the series "Social needs, cooperative answers. How cooperatives provide sustainable community services across the world".

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15 Jul 2015

Social Needs, Cooperative Answers. Introductory video


The video "Social Needs, Cooperative Answers. How cooperatives provide community services across the world" paints a picture of the main global trends regarding cooperatives engaged in community services (health, educ...

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15 Jul 2015

Turkish version of TOGETHER


The documentary TOGETHER. How cooperatives show resilience to the crisis can be fully watched now in Turkish. It was produced in 2012 by CECOP, the European Confederation of cooperatives active in Industry and Services.

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24 Feb 2015

24/02 - "How to promote sustainable tourism experiences through the European Route of Cooperative Culture"

Position paper

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29 Oct 2014

The interactive guide of the European route of cooperatives launched today


An approach based on passive touristic consumption and the unsustainable exploitation of many destinations has showed its limits and negative effects. As a consequence, a growing range of more responsible and sustainable experi...

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23 Jun 2011

The resilience of the cooperative model


The study “The resilience of the cooperative model”, produced by CECOP - CICOPA Europe identifies the mechanisms which reinforce the resilience of European cooperatives in industry and services to the crisis. There...


22 Jun 2011

Business Transfers to Employees under the Form of a Cooperative in Europe

News Position paper Publication

CECOP-CICOPA Europe’s presents in this document the opportunities and challenges for successful business transfers in Europe under the cooperative form. Several good examples are presented from Spain, Italy, France and th...

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