Beyond the Crisis: Cooperatives, Work, Finance. Generating Wealth for the Long Term 

Originally published in 2011, against the backdrop of the global financial and economic crisis that flared up in 2007/2008, this book reflects the particularly strong resilience of cooperatives and other forms of employee-owned enterprises in the industrial and service sectors. The study also examines how these enterprises have been developing over the last decades. 

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Cooperatives and social enterprises. Governance and normative frameworks 

Originally published in 2009, this publication is an attempt to explore the interfacing and comparison between cooperatives and social enterprises from two distinctive and complementary angles: governance and normative framework. Only with clear governance rules is there a guarantee that social enterprises can deliver their goods not only today but also tomorrow and in a sustainable way without altering their mission. On the other hand, a specific normative framework seems to be needed to guarantee such delivery over the long term; since many social enterprises claim to do social inclusion, it is essential to examine up to which depth they include people in society. 

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Cooperatives, Territories and Jobs: Twenty experiences of cooperatives active in industry and services across Europe

Originally published in 2011, the massive wealth and job destruction caused by the 2008 financial crisis has brought back the focus onto the real economy, job creation and territorial development in public agendas. There seems to be a rediscovery of the fact that employment, provided it is sustainable, is conducive to regional development. This book focuses on five different modalities by which cooperatives active in industry and services contribute to sustainable employment and regional development: their overall governance at the enterprise level; the successful cooperativisation of enterprises in crisis or without heir; the creation of workplaces for marginalized citizens; the delivery of social services that favour employment; and the building of horizontal groups among cooperatives. 

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