
Employment &
Social Inclusion



23 Jun 2021

ZOOM IN on our Slovenian member - CAAP 


CECOP had the chance to sit down with member CAAP, and discuss their recent affiliation to our network, the upcoming Slovenian presidency, and much more.

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22 Jun 2021

CECOP Annual Congress: highlights

News Publication

During their annual congress, the CECOP members casted their votes for their new Board Members, re-elected their President, and approved the strategic plan for 2021-2025.

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22 Jun 2021

CECOP Secretary General speaks at Cooperatives Europe workshop on post-COVID recovery and gender equality


In light of the European Strategy on Gender Equality and the European Recovery Plan, Diana Dovgan highlighted the successes of worker cooperatives and called for a continuous struggle for gender equality.

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14 Jun 2021

Together: The documentary on coop resilience


The documentary released by CECOP in 2012, has found a new home in the CECOP website.

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10 Jun 2021

EU Industrial Strategy Update: CECOP’s reaction & lessons from COVID crisis

News Position paper EaSI / ESF+ programme

On 5 May 2021, the European Commission published an update of the 2020 Industrial Strategy, which focuses on what needs to be done on and what lessons need to be learned from the COVID-19 crisis.

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09 Jun 2021

Report of Activity 2020

News Publication

In our Report of Activity for 2020, you can read about the main activities that CECOP undertook last year.

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03 Jun 2021

European Social Economy Summit: High visibility for worker and social cooperatives


CECOP and its members represented worker and social cooperatives during the EUSES 2021, reiterating that cooperatives are an integral part of the Social Economy.

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01 Jun 2021

CECOP study on non-standard employment translated into German

News Publication EaSI / ESF+ programme

The German Verein zur Förderung der Solidarischen Ökonomie e.V. recently published an edited volume with contributions from cooperators across Europe. The book includes a German Translation of CECOP's "All for One" report.

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11 May 2021

CECOP-ENSIE hosted workshop at the Social Platform Flagship Conference


CECOP, together with ENSIE, hosted a workshop at the Social Platform Flagship conference. Together with the Portuguese Secretary of State Gabriel Bastos, representatives of different sectors of the Social Economy and beyond discus...

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10 May 2021

CECOP to be present at European Social Economy Summit

News Event

The European Social Economy Summit (EUSES) will take place at the end of May, in which CECOP will host a session, and multiple members will be present as well.

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05 May 2021

EESC approves opinion that calls the EU to recognize Social Economy as a key driver in job creation


The EESC approved an opinion that highlights the role of the Social Economy for job creation and the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The opinion explicitly mentions cooperatives as key players in the Social...

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03 May 2021

CECOP Bulletin on EU Social Affairs #6

News Publication EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP is happy to announce the publication of the sixth edition of our biannual bulletin on EU-related social affairs and legislative monitoring to keep informed its members as well as other interested actors and stakeholders.

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30 Apr 2021

Stand Up for the Social Pillar Alliance: "A solidarity Action Plan for All" event


As part of the "Stand Up for the Social Pillar Alliance", CECOP called for a comprehensive and meaningful implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan ahead of the European Social Summit in Porto. 

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23 Apr 2021

CECOP proposals for the European Social Economy Action Plan

News Position paper

CECOP reacts to the European Commission’s consultation on the Social Economy Action Plan, calling to recognise worker and social cooperatives as an integral part of the Social Economy. 

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22 Apr 2021

CECOP-ENSIE Workshop at the Social Platform Flagship Conference: The Road to Social Europe? An Action Plan for and with Europe’s Social Economy

News Event

On the 4th of May, ENSIE and CECOP will host a joint workshop on the Social Economy Action Plan, highlighting the needs of Europe’s Social Economy ahead of the Porto Social Summit.

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21 Apr 2021

“A Solidarity Action Plan For All Generations” - Online conference – April 28th

News Event

CECOP invites you to the event “A solidarity action plan for all generations” organized with the Stand Up for the Social Pillar Alliance.

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20 Apr 2021

Confecoop & CECOP joint workshop: The Future of the EU Disability Strategy

News Event EaSI / ESF+ programme

On April 15, the Portuguese Confecoop and CECOP, hosted a joint conference on the future of the EU Disability Strategy, with the participation of prominent members of the European cooperative movement and policymakers.

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19 Apr 2021

In memory of Stilian Balasopulov, tireless cooperative leader


Stilian Balasopulov was member of the board and Vice President of CECOP for more than 20 years, he was also President of the Bulgarian member organization NUWPC from 1992 to 2021. He was a humble cooperator and tireless ambassa...

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31 Mar 2021

High-level conference on Social Economy organized by the Portuguese EU Presidency: CECOP President Giuseppe Guerini keynote speaker


On March 29th, CECOP President Giuseppe Guerini delivered the keynote speech at a high-level conference on "The role of Social Economy in the creation of jobs and the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights".

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29 Mar 2021

Online Conference: The Future of the EU Disability Strategy

Event EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP is organising a conference with Portuguese member Confecoop. The online event will focus on the cooperatives’ role in social inclusion for people with disabilities.

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17 Mar 2021

EU Portuguese Presidency High Level Social Economy Conference 


On the 29th of March, CECOP President Giuseppe Guerini is set to deliver a keynote speech in conference “The role of Social Economy in the creation of jobs and in the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.”

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11 Mar 2021

European Pillar of Social Rights, CECOP: high appetite by European Commission, now implementation

News Press release

The European Commission published its "Action Plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights" on March 4th, 2021. CECOP welcomes that steps are taken in target setting to make the European Pillar of Social Rights a reality, but urg...

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10 Mar 2021

Civil Society Days 2021: CECOP in public debates on social economy and sustainable recovery

News Event

CECOP President Giuseppe Guerini intervened at two workshops in the EU Civil Society Days and shared views on social economy and cooperatives as viable business model to build back better.

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08 Mar 2021

European Pillar of Social Rights event, need for ambitious implementation

News Event

The ‘Stand up for the Social Pillar’ Alliance held a high-level debate following the publication of the European Commission’s Social Pillar Action Plan with the participation of Commissioner Schmit and the Portuguese Minister of L...

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03 Mar 2021

CECOP and Mondragon at the 2021 EU Industry days: worker cooperatives crucial in skill development


During a panel organized by Mondragon Corporation, cooperators from across Europe had an opportunity to exchange their cooperative experiences and strategies in re-and upskilling of workers.

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