
Employment &
Social Inclusion



24 May 2006

Social economy and social services in a report of the European Parliement

Position paper

On 10 May, the Committee on national development of the European Parliament published a report on the preparation of the assent procedure for the Community's strategic guidelines for the period 2007-2013.

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24 May 2006

Workshop on worker cooperatives at COOPERATIVES UK Annual Congress

Position paper

The workshop took place on 20 May for the whole day, and, for part of the day, in different meetings, analysing different questions affecting worker cooperatives in particular.

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24 May 2006

Consultation on future internal market policy

Position paper

In next week's CECOP news, we will send you a draft of CECOP position on this consultation which has important implications for the cooperatives, particularly in our sector.

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18 May 2006

CECOP's General Assembly on 12 May 2006

Position paper

The first salient feature is CECOP president Felice Scalvini's address to the Assembly. The members of the General Assembly considered that this was a key address in this phase of CECOP's evolution and decided that it shou...

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18 May 2006

CECOP's Board Meeting on 11 May 2006


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10 May 2006

General Assembly's documents available on the website

Position paper

We would like to inform you that all the documents for the CECOP general assembly (ordinary and extraordinary) of 12 May are available on the website.

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10 May 2006

Bolkestein and Social Services of General Interest (SSGI)

Position paper

Communication from the Commission on the social services of general interest

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10 May 2006

ETUC / CECOP Conference

Position paper

ETUC organises on 15-16 June a conference dedicated to social dialogue for worker cooperatives and participative enterprises within the framework of the SCE directive on workers' participation. CECOP member organisations in...

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10 May 2006

London Economic's Consultancy

Position paper

A consultancy called « London Economics » has just approached us concerning a project commissioned by the European Commission to undertake a study on the impact of co-operative groups on the competitiveness of their...

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09 May 2006

Reaction of CECOP to the new text

Position paper

The text of the Service Directive as amended on 16 February 2006 by the European Parliament has gone back to the Commission. Less than two months later, on 4 April 2006, the Commission publishes a new proposal, to be submitted to...


04 May 2006




02 May 2006

New CECOP website


Since 12 April, the new CECOP (CICOPA-Europe) website has opened at www.cecop.coop. We encourage you to visit it. There is still a basic setup, which will be developed over the next few weeks. We would like to draw your attention...

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02 May 2006

CECOP General Assembly - Brussels 12 May 2006


The CECOP General Assembly will be held on 12 May 2006 at 09.00 at Hotel Belmont (boulevard d'Anvers 10 - 1000 BRUSSELS). There will be a board meeting the day before the General assembly.

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02 May 2006

Commission Communication on Social Services of General Interest

Position paper

On 26 April 2006, the European Commission adopted a new communication on « the social services of general interest in the European Union ».

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02 May 2006

SME Day 2006


The DG Market decided to launch the first « SME Day » accross the EU which will be held on 12 June 2006. On that occasion, we have been asked to identify SME's “success stories” in which they could show...

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22 Apr 2006

CECOP position on the consultation on “People furthest from job market”

Position paper

CECOP answered to a consultation on action at the EU level to promote the active inclusion of the people furthest from the labour market (Commission Communication of 08.02.2006 COM(2006)44 final). The consultation is addressed to...


10 Apr 2006

INAISE annual conference - San Sebastian, Spain 1-2 June 2006

Position paper

INAISE, International Association of Investors in the Social Economy, is organising its annual conference "Innovation for Social Finance" on 1-2 June, 2006, in San Sebastian, Spain. The conference is organised in collaboration wit...

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15 Mar 2006

CECOP communication to EU cooperative organisations

Position paper

The European Directive on Services in the Internal Market often referred to as “Bolkestein Directive”, will be the object of a debate within the European Council on 22-24 March, the first one since the European Parliam...


20 Jun 2001

Cooperatives and Employment: a global report

Position paper

Presented for the first time at the International Summit of Cooperatives on 7 October, with the presence of ILO Deputy Director General Sandra Polaski, and available now in an electronic version, the study “Cooperatives and...

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