
Employment &
Social Inclusion



20 May 2007

ANCPL National assembly: turnover of 9,189 millions Euros in 2006, a growth of 4,6% compared to 2005

Position paper

On 18 May 2007, ANCPL held its national assembly with the presence of the Italian economy and finance Minister, Vincenzo Visco. It was the occasion for the organisation to present excellent results: with 889 cooperatives and 6...

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10 May 2007

Social Platform draft SGI common position

Position paper

Ensuring high quality services of general interest: What role for the Europe Union? - Common position of the Social Platform - Version of 3 May 2007


10 May 2007

CGSCOP collaborates with French TV channel, France 2, to prepare a report on production cooperatives in France

Position paper

France 2, the 1st public services TV channel in France broadcasted a TV programme called “Complément d'Enquête” titled “France differently”. They asked CGSCOP to participate which allowe...

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03 May 2007

European e-skills 2006 Conference

Position paper

Declaration of the European e-skills 2006 Conference - 5 and 6 October 2006, Thessaloniki, Greece


25 Apr 2007

Communication from the Commission: Follow-up to the Green Paper 'European Transparency Initiative' - COM (2007)127 final

Position paper

As we were reporting in CECOP Link nr 2007/13 of 05.04.2007, the European Commission published on 21.03.2007 a communication on “The follow-up of the Green Paper's European Transparency Initiative”, drafted on t...

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24 Apr 2007

Guide: Creating an inclusive society

Position paper

Guide: Creating an inclusive society: Mainstreaming disability based on the Social Economy

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12 Apr 2007

Services of general interest (SGI): launching of internal CECOP consultation

Position paper

After the General Assembly and the consultation on labour law, we are now launching an internal CECOP consultation on the services of general interest (SGI), as already announced at the 27 February Board meeting.

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10 Apr 2007

How enterprise democracy can transform capitalism: interview with French scholar Marc Fleurbaey


Le Soir - April 2007. In an interview with Belgium's main French-language daily Le Soir, Marc Fleurbaey (research director at CNRS, the French National Centre for Scientific Research) shares the conclusions of his research,...

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07 Apr 2007

CECOP'S Common Position on SGI

Position paper

CECOP'S Common Position on Services of General Interest (SGI)


05 Apr 2007

Seminar on the INVOLVE project / 30 March 2007


On the afternoon after the general assembly, part of the members remained for a detailed presentation on the Involve project, followed by several programmed presentations (see programme) and additional contributions. The semina...

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05 Apr 2007

Progress: DG Employment, social Affairs and equal opportunity launched on 2 April 2007 a call for proposal entitled “restructuring, well-being at work and financial participation”

Position paper

The decision n° 1672/2006 establishing a Community program for employment and social solidarity - PROGRESS, was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on 24 October and was published in the EU Official Journal o...

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05 Apr 2007

European Commission seminar on artisans' and SME's cooperatives, Monday 26 March

Position paper

On Monday 26 March an intermediate workshop on the BEST project “Impact of Co-operative Groups on the Competitiveness of their Craft and Small Enterprise Members” EXCHANGE OF VIEWS AND PRACTICES took place at the Eu...

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05 Apr 2007

Summary of the decisions

Position paper

Summary of the decisions taken by the CECOP general assembly on 30 March 2007 (Brussels)


29 Mar 2007

CECOP's response to the Commission's consultation on labour law has been sent

Position paper

CECOP responded to the consultation opened with the Green Paper “Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st Century”, after an in-depth consultation among its members across Europe. Responding to the...

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28 Mar 2007

CECOP's position - Final version

Position paper

CECOP's position to the consultation on “Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st century” - Final version


22 Mar 2007

Agenda and working documents

Position paper

Agenda and working documents for the CECOP general assembly and the programme of the seminar which will be both held on 30 March 2007 in Brussels


15 Mar 2007

Version submitted to Cooperatives Europe

Position paper

CECOP position on Green Paper "Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st century" - Version submitted to Cooperatives Europe and drafted on the basis of the inputs expressed during the CECOP seminar on...


15 Mar 2007

Minutes of the first monitoring committee of 22/02/07

Position paper


07 Mar 2007

Letter from Felice Scalvini

Position paper

Letter from Felice Scalvini, president of CECOP, to the Cooperatives Europe co-presidents


06 Mar 2007

In « Le Monde », French worker cooperative conféderation CGSCOP requests a commitment from the presidential candidates

Position paper

In an article published in the Economic section of the 27 February issue of Le Monde, CGSCOP President Patrick Lenancker requests a commitment from the candidates concerning public policies in favour of worker buy-outs.

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05 Feb 2007

CoopEst - Finance for Social Economy Initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe

Position paper

News sent by CECOP member SOFICATRA- CoopEst is a new financial initiative for the development of social economy in Central and Eastern Europe. After a founding ceremony in December last year, where DG Regio Commissioner Danuta...

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31 Jan 2007

CECOP seminar for members on “labour law in the European Union”

Position paper

Brussels, 27 February (14h30 - 17h30), after the board meeting

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24 Jan 2007

Letter to Mr Zourek

Position paper

Letter to Mr Zourek, General Director, DG ENTERPRISE AND INDUSTRY


22 Jan 2007

European consultation: « Modernising labour law »

Position paper

Following the publication of its Green Paper « Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st century”, the European Commission organises a consultation on the same subject. CECOP's participation seem...

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22 Jan 2007

New president of the European Parliament

Position paper

On 16 January 2007, the European Parliament elected by a large majority its new President for the second half of the current term. The German MP, Hans-Gert Poettering, outgoing president of the PPE-DE group, will be in office u...

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