CECOP response to the Commission consultation : Questionnaire on the “Small Business Act” for Europe
SME-relevants items in the 2008 Commission Legislative Work Programme
Background documents and presentations from the SME Envoy meeting with Stakeholders - 30 January 2008
This week, CECOP pursued its follow-up of the Small Business Act theme by attending a Commission Hearing. All the actors linked to this project were present that is the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Member-S...
This week, CECOP pursued its follow-up of the Small Business Act theme by attending a Commission Hearing. All the actors linked to this project were present that is the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Member-S...
CECOP Congress will be held in Brussels on Wednesday 30 April 2008 from 9am to 5 pm.
This week, CECOP pursued its follow-up of the SGI / SSGI theme by attending a CoR/EESC/SSGI Collective conference entitled "Towards an internal market of social services?" as well as the “Social Economy” I...
CECOP's response to the Commission consultation: “Opportunities, access and solidarity: towards a new social vision for 21st century Europe”
CECOP's response to the Commission consultation: Modernising social protection for greater social justice and economic cohesion: taking forward the active inclusion of people furthest from the labour market
Position of Cooperatives Europe and CECOP on the communication “Services of General Interest, including social services of General Interest: a new European commitment”
The article by Cécile Raimbeau (available on www.monde-diplomatique.fr as of January 2007) explains the successes of the hundreds of democratic worker buy-outs of enterprises in crisis in Europe that have taken place ove...
On December 4, 2007, the CEEP (European centre of enterprises with public participation and of enterprises of general economic interest) organised in Brussels a conference on the “Services of General interest and Internal...
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Overcoming the stigma of business failure - for a second chance policy - Im...
At the occasion of the seminar Social Economy: a key sector for growth and jobs” held by the European Economic and Social Committee on 3 December, EU enterprise and industrial policy Commissioner Verheugen said that &ldqu...
Under the title “Social Economy: a key sector for growth and jobs” the EESC has held today a seminar to launch a study about Social Economy in the EU, which shows that Social Economy enterprises employ over 11 milli...
The Spanish Ministries Council recently approved the draft law for the regulation of social inclusion enterprises. The text is now in being analysed by the Labour Commission, Labour Relations, Employment and Social Security of...
The new European treaty - future « Lisbon Treaty » - will be officially signed on 13 December at the European summit in Brussels; in February 2008 the European Parliament should approve it and, as long as the 27 Mem...
The new European treaty - future « Lisbon Treaty » - will be officially signed on 13 December at the European summit in Brussels; in February 2008 the European Parliament should approve it and, as long as the 27 Mem...
The final conference of the Involve project was held on 3 October 2007 in Brussels in the premises of the European Trade Union Confederation with 3 representatives of the European Commission, 14 representatives from the trade u...
Common ETUC-CECOP conclusions concerning the voluntary standards of workers' involvement in SCE composed of worker cooperatives, social cooperatives or worker owned enterprises, and/or of worker-members.
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
Cooperatives Europe comments on the Communication from the Commission on a simplified business environment for companies in the areas of company law, accounting and auditing.
Cooperatives Europe comments on the Draft General Block exemption Regulation