
Employment &
Social Inclusion



31 Jul 2010

Issue 3 - July 2010

Position paper

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20 Apr 2010

EU Employment Commissioner László Andor : cooperatives have been innovative in time of crisis

Position paper

The European Parliament EPP Group (Group of the European People's Party) organised on the 14th of April an open discussion forum on "New Employment Policy" together with László Andor, EU Commissioner...

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29 Mar 2010

Report on meeting

Position paper

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13 Feb 2010

The importance of cooperatives featured on the Guardian website

Position paper

As the Labour Party announced that it will support and encourage the cooperative movement at the next general election in the UK, an article in the guardian.co.uk explains how the history of cooperatives hit social progress in...

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05 Feb 2010

The French press highlights the virtues of cooperatives on the occasion of the launch of the “SCOP” brand!

Position paper

The French daily newspaper “Le Monde” and the website of the “L’Entreprise” magazine have showcased the cooperative model.

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05 Feb 2010

The CGScop unveils its new brand and logo at the salon des entrepreneurs in Paris

Position paper

The whole of the French cooperative movement has affirmed its ambition to bring about further developments in all sectors and has launched a new brand and logo that is unique, clear and unifying. Indeed, on the occasion of the...

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25 Jan 2010

Michel Barnier European Parliament Hearing: The new Internal Market commissioner wants to focus his attention on the cooperative model

Position paper

On 13 January, Michel Barnier, the internal market and financial services commissioner-designate was heard by the “Internal market and consumers protection” Committee and the “Economic and Monetary affairs&rdq...

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22 Jan 2010

International mobilisation to help cooperatives in Haiti: CICOPA supports the Cooperatives reconstruction Fund

Position paper

Given the extent of the damage provoked by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake and numerous after shocks, the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) has made an appeal to members to contribute to finance longer-term cooperative reco...

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24 Dec 2009

Important recognition of cooperatives at the world level: the United Nations proclaim 2012 as the International year of Cooperatives

Position paper

The resolution that the United Nations have just adopted is a real plea for cooperatives. This new resolution on the role of cooperatives in social development proclaims 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives. UN Member...

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04 Dec 2009

CICOPA seminar: How cooperatives contribute to environment and sustainable development?

Position paper

On 18 November, CICOPA in collaboration with its regional organisation, CECOP-CICOPA Europe, organised a seminar on environment in Geneva, Switzerland. It took place in the afternoon just after the CICOPA General Assembly which...

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04 Dec 2009

MONDRAGON, selected as one of the 10 European Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises in 2009

Position paper

The Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) is a research program seeks to identify those organizations which are out-performing their peers by above average growth in intellectual capital and wealth creation. MONDRAGON has b...

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25 Nov 2009

The International Cooperative Alliance has a new President: Dame Pauline Green

Position paper

Dame Pauline Green was elected for a four year term as President of the ICA at the organisation’s general assembly held in Geneva on 19 - 20 November 2009 on the theme “Global crisis – Cooperative opportunity&...

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28 Oct 2009

Business transfer to employees at the agenda of the European conference “From the European Charter for Small Enterprises to the Small Business Act” in Stockholm

Position paper

The annual conference “From the European Charter for Small Enterprises to the Small Business Act” was held in Stockholm on the 5th and 6th October. This event was organized by the Swedish Presidency of the EU and th...

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09 Sep 2009

The shining history of the Busy Bee

Position paper

This is a real history, with real people, with a great idea of change! Many solutions have been proposed to face the global economic downturn but just few of them are really concrete and effective. The best answers did not come...

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08 Sep 2009

Passed away of Antoine Antoni, former secretary general of CG Scop and one of CECOP’s founders

Position paper

CECOP is in mourning. Antoine Antoni iconic figure of the French cooperative movement died on 4 July, – international day of cooperatives – at the age of 92.

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31 Aug 2009

Issue 2 - August 2009

Position paper

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10 Aug 2009

Creation of Nova SCE, the third European cooperative society

Position paper

The third European cooperative society has been created in Italy on 29 June 2009. Nova SCE has had a long period of constitution which was necessary in order to meet with the harmonisation of the European rules (Reg CE 1435/200...

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05 Jun 2009

A little less of profits but a little more of jobs

Position paper

Confcooperative, one of the main Italian cooperative organisations, celebrated its ninetieth birthday during the general assembly that was held in Rome on May 26. More than 1000 people took part to this event including importan...

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27 May 2009

Results of the CECOP consultation “Is the crisis affecting your enterprises?”

Position paper

Concerned by the current economic crisis and its serious challenges for employment, sustainability of the enterprises and social cohesion, CECOP has submitted to its members a consultation (see CECOP Link 2009/08) in order to h...

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18 May 2009

Ivano Barberini has died, the President of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA)

Position paper

The death of the ICA's President Ivano Barberini on the 6 of May represents the loss of one of the most significant actors whom the Italian and international movement have ever known. During his presidency, the ICA underwen...

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17 May 2009

European Conference on Social Economy

Position paper

The European conference on social economy organized by SCMVD, the Czech Union of production cooperatives, which is a CECOP member, in collaboration with the Confederation of Employers and Entrepreneurs' Associations and wit...

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08 May 2009

Effects of the crisis on cooperatives: Survey among CICOPA members

Position paper

Concerned by the current economic crisis and its serious challenges for employment, sustainability of the enterprises and social cohesion, CICOPA (directly and through its regional organisation CECOP-CICOPA Europe as far as Eur...

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05 May 2009

Spain: Worker Cooperatives facing the economic crisis

Position paper

There had been less worker cooperatives created in 2008 in comparison to the previous years. Economic crisis has touched the growth of cooperative movement, which created 1,7% less enterprises than in 2007. These data have been...

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30 Apr 2009

Issue 1 - April 2009

Position paper

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30 Mar 2009

"International Conference on Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship" Prague, 16-18 April

Position paper

The International European Conference on Social Economy and Social Enterprise will take place from 16 to 18 April 2009 in Prague as part of the official programme of events under the Czech Republic's Presidency of the EU Co...

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