The attached questionnaire on the situation of cooperatives in our sector at the European and world level is one of the most fundamental priorities which CECOP member organisations set at the end of 2005 concerning the collection of data on your enterprises, your organisations, and your national environments.
This questionnaire (contents and shape) has received the approval of CECOP members. Furthermore, it contains a set of minimum data on which there is now a consensus between the world and European cooperative sectors.
This means that we have reached a rather high level of convergence between cooperative sectors Point 1.1.4 of the questionnaire contains an Excel table which provides a world wide and EU coding system for economic sectors and that you will have to complete.
A specific explanation concerning this table can be found at this point. We will ask you to update this questionnaire every two years. This update will of course be much lighter than filling in the questionnaire this time. May we ask you to fill in the questionnaire and to send it back to us before 30 September 2008 at the latest?
We are at your entire disposal to fill in that questionnaire.
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.