To all CECOP Members

We have just received the list of prospective exhibitors for ICA Expo 2008 in Lisboa from 23 to 25 October 2008. The only member organisations that have registered so far are Kooperationen (Denmark) and Ucecom (Romania).

There are also 2 industrial enterprises from Portugal. Other sectors having registered are banking, insurance, agriculture and para-agricultural products, consumer/distribution, and education. CICOPA will not be present at the Expo if its own members (and/or their members) are not present either. Conversely, if there is sufficient interest from organisations and enterprises from our sector, CICOPA could help organise a common exhibition space, which would also cost less to all.

However, in order to move in this direction, we would urgently need to know how many of your affiliated enterprises would be interested to exhibit and in which industrial or service sectors.

If possible, please also send us their names. This is NOT registration, only expression of interest. Please send us the relevant information before 10 August.

To visit the website of ICA Expo, click here
