
Employment &
Social Inclusion



04 Jul 2006

Meeting of the European Cooperative University (UCE) Project, Manchester, 30 June / 1 July and UCE Lyon Seminar, Lyon, Friday 15 September

Position paper

The European Cooperative University (UCE) Leonardo project, in which CECOP is a partner, endeavours to establish a European on-line resource centre on cooperatives and the social economy, and to develop a joint concept of coope...

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01 Jul 2006

ICA Message on International Cooperative Day, 1st July 2006: "Peace-Building Through Cooperatives”


The worker, social and artisans' cooperatives are part of the CICOPA constituency and have an important contribution to make to world peace because of their mission of creating sustainable jobs and providing firm and dignif...

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01 Jul 2006

ICA Message on International Cooperative Day, 1st July 2006: "Peace-Building Through Cooperatives”

Position paper

The worker, social and artisans' cooperatives are part of the CICOPA constituency and have an important contribution to make to world peace because of their mission of creating sustainable jobs and providing firm and dignif...

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23 Jun 2006

The directive services

Position paper

On 11 April 2006, at the moment when the Commission was examining and amending the text of the directive service, just after the European Parliament, a working document on services of general interest was publi...

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23 Jun 2006

A European transparency initiative

Position paper

On 9 November 2005, the Commission launched “the European transparency initiative” and is organising a large consultation on this issue (from 3 May to 31 August 2006).

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21 Jun 2006

Final Declaration


The participants to the conference «For the full involvement of employees in the European Cooperative Society» (Brussels 15-16 June 2006) invite ETUC and CECOP to consider the following Declaration in their respective decision-mak...


21 Jun 2006

ETUC / CECOP Conference Report

Position paper

On 15 and 16 June 2006, the European Confederation of trade unions (ETUC) organised with CECOP as a partner and with the support of the European Commission, a conference which subject was «For the full involvement of employe...

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21 Jun 2006

CGSCOP has a new President


Patrick Lenancker was elected last Friday as the new president of « Confédération générale des Scop » by its National Council, after the withdrawal of Patrick Segouin in March for health rea...

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16 Jun 2006

CECOP position on the consultation on “Internal market”

Position paper

In June 2006, the Directorate General for Internal Market and services aimed to consult on the future of Internal Market policy. CECOP answered to this consultation which has important implications for the cooperatives, particular...


14 Jun 2006

A European initiative on transparency

Position paper

From 3 May to 31 August 2006, the European Commission is organising a consultation on « transparency ».

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14 Jun 2006

The Directive Services in the Internal Market

Position paper

On 7 June, Ms Anne Van Lancker, Belgian Euro MP (socialist) hosted an informal meeting with a delegation of the Social Platform to which participated a representative of CECOP. The issue was to decide the follow up to the European...

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07 Jun 2006

Towards a new call for proposal for Euro Info Centres (EIC) and Innovation Relay Centres (IRC): information released at a meeting with the SME Envoy

Position paper

On 30 May, DG Enterprise's new SME Envoy Ms Lebail had her second meeting with the main European business organisations, again with the participation of Cooperatives Europe and CECOP. The new call for proposal for EIC and IRC,...

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07 Jun 2006

Transnational Study Day - 1st June 2006 - The involvment of workers in the SCE: a major issue in the european social dialogue


Organised on LEGACOOP, CGSCOP, COCETA and CONFESAL's initiative, in the scope of the ongoing project in which CECOP is a partner, a study day gathered on 1st June 2006, representatives of cooperative and trade union organisati...

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07 Jun 2006

ETUC Conference: questionnaire and synthesis

Position paper

You will find a questionnaire on the website about worker cooperatives, the SCE Directive, and trade unions in your country. We would like to ask all members to answer this questionnaire and particularly members who will participa...

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07 Jun 2006

Representatives of Confcooperative Sardinia visit CECOP

Position paper

On 1 June, CECOP received the visit of a 7-person delegation from Confcooperative Sardegna, composed of the leaders of the regional union and of the four provincial unions.

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07 Jun 2006

Mr. Daniel Pavel re-elected as President of SUPC in Slovakia


We are very happy to announce that Mr Daniel Pavel has been re-elected at the head of the Slovak Union of Producer's Co-operatives (SUPC). We wish him all the best for his new mandate.

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06 Jun 2006

COOPEXPO 2006 Exhibition in Nitra, Slovakia


The Slovak Union of Producer's Co-operatives (SUPC) with the Co-operative Union of Slovakia and the International Exhibition Centre Agrokomplex Nitra organise the 13th International Co-operative Contract and Sale Exhibition CO...

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06 Jun 2006

Questionnaire on Worker cooperatives SCE Directive - Trade unions

Position paper


05 Jun 2006

New version of the Bolkestein Directive approved by Economy Ministers of the EU

Position paper

The text of the Service Directive as amended on 16 February 2006 by the European Parliament has gone back to the Commission. Less than two months later, on 4 April 2006, the Commission publishes a new proposal, to be submitted to...

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02 Jun 2006

Cooperative contacts between Slovakia and Croatia

Position paper

A round table entitled “Croatian Cooperatives of Veteran's - the New Business Force” was held on 21 March 2006 in Zagreb, capital of Croatia. The event was initiated and organized by the Ministry of the Family, Vet...

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02 Jun 2006

New version of the Bolkestein Directive approved by Economy Ministers of the EU

Position paper

The text of the Service Directive as amended on 16 February 2006 by the European Parliament has gone back to the Commission. Less than two months later, on 4 April 2006, the Commission publishes a new proposal, to be submitted to...

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02 Jun 2006

CECOP draft position on a Consultation on the Internal Market

Position paper

We attach this first draft position, as announced last week.

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02 Jun 2006

Update on the preparation of the ETUC Conference on 15 -16 June

Position paper

As you know, the ETUC conference will take place on 15-16 June. We are happy to confirm the participation of the following organisation: CO-LABOR (Luxemburg), FKU (Sweden), Legacoop (Italy), Confcooperative (Italy), Coop Finland (...

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01 Jun 2006

Text amended by the Competitiveness Council

Position paper


01 Jun 2006

CECOP's Observations on amended text

Position paper

The text of the Service Directive as amended on 16 February 2006 by the European Parliament has gone back to the Commission. On 4 April 2006, the Commission publishes a new proposal, proposing amendments to the amendments made by...
