
Employment &
Social Inclusion



10 Jul 2019

Eurofound Report confirms: Cooperatives show an ability to flourish resiliently after a crisis


CECOP welcomes the publication of Eurofound report “Cooperatives and social enterprises: Work and employment in selected countries” which reaffirms that cooperatives, particularly worker cooperatives a...

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08 Jul 2019

Report of Activity 2018


In our Report of Activity for 2018 you can read about the main activities that CECOP undertook in 2018.


27 Jun 2019

Reaction to EC evaluation of the Council Recommendation on the integration of the long-term unemployed in the labour market

Position paper


04 Jun 2019

ZOOM IN on our Romanian Member – UCECOM


Interview with Sevastiţa Grigorescu, President of UCECOM, Romanian Union of Handicraft and Production Cooperatives

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27 May 2019

CECOP at the 2019 Civil Society Days – European Economic and Social Committee


The European Civil Society Days 2019 are approaching and we are happy to inform you that CECOP has been invited to contribute to the workshop number 6: “Economy and democracy in the labour market: for a resilient and sust...

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14 Mar 2019

Manifesto for the European Elections 2019

News Publication

In the end of May 2019, the European citizens will elect new European MEPs. In a context of global instability, CECOP-CICOPA calls the European decision-makers for encouraging democracy and social-based values.

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05 Mar 2019

The European Youth Forum’s report on the Future of Work and some cooperative solutions


In a 2014 study by IPSOS, a global market research firm, European youths are depicted to be quite pessimistic about their future – and for a good reason. Uncertainty about professional realisation, access to labour market...

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14 Feb 2019

Social Economy for the Future of the European Union


On Wednesday 6th of February 2019, Social Economy Europe held an event at the European Economic and Social Committee on “Social Economy for the Future of the European Union”.

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29 Dec 2018

CECOP Bulletin on EU Social Affairs #1

Publication EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP is happy to announce the launch of a biannual bulletin on EU-related social affairs and legislative monitoring to keep informed its members as well as other interested actors and stakeholders. On top of a regular update o...

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20 Dec 2018

Access to social protection for non-standard workers and self-employed


In the light of Principle 12 of the Social Pillar, the last Council of the European Union (EPSCO) meeting in December 2018 has reached an agreement on a proposal for a Council Recommendation on access to social protection for non-...

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20 Dec 2018

An introduction to the European Social Fund+


Within the next programming period (the European budget 2021-2027), the most suited fund to implement the Social Pillar is the European Social Fund+ (ESF+).

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20 Dec 2018

What is InvestEU?


InvestEU could be an excellent tool for creating jobs and strengthening the competitiveness of the European Union. It aims at fostering inclusive growth and strengthens investment in the social dimension. In this article, CECOP...

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17 Dec 2018

Promoting the Pillar of Social Rights with the Spanish civil society

EaSI / ESF+ programme

On the 10th of December in Madrid, CECOP and its Spanish member COCETA, Spanish confederation of worker cooperatives, held a public conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights.

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06 Dec 2018

CECOP & COCETA to hold a public conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights

EaSI / ESF+ programme

On the 10th of December in Madrid, CECOP and our Spanish member COCETA will hold a public conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights.


06 Dec 2018

How worker and social cooperatives contribute to social inclusion of young people

EaSI / ESF+ programme

Young people face the risk of poverty and social exclusion in Europe much more than other groups. The conference "What Future for Youth at Risk of Exclusion?" organized by CECOP–CICOPA Europe on 20 November in B...

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23 Nov 2018

The Future of EU policies for the Social Economy: towards a European Action Plan


"Social Economy Europe" issued its Action Plan, as a result of a work started at the Social Economy Inter-group of the European Parliament. CECOP, which became member of the organisation in November, fully supports th...

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16 Nov 2018

CECOP becomes a member of Social Economy Europe


On Tuesday 13th November 2018, Social Economy Europe’s General Assembly, held in Paris, unanimously approve the adhesion of CECOP-CICOPA Europe.

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23 Oct 2018

Of hearts and minds: the example of social agriculture in Italy at the European Parliament


If you have not heard of social agriculture and social farming, it is high time to catch up, because in some European countries like Italy they have been around for half a century already.

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17 Oct 2018

XI Conference on Social Economy in Poland (OSES)


On 15 October 2018 in Poland, for the 11th time, Members of Permanent Meeting of Social Economy (SKES) organized a Social Economy Conference in Poland – OSES. CECOP’s Polish member, NAUWC (National Auditing Union of...

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05 Oct 2018

R2G meeting in Milan


Do the governance models of Social Enterprises differ across European countries? Is there a common ground on which to build alliances? How can Social Enterprises grow and what can we do to foster information and consultation ri...

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03 Oct 2018

GSEF2018: The issue of "digital welfare" needs to be addressed now, said Mr Guerini


This year’s 4th edition was held from the 1st to the 3rd of October 2018 in Bilbao and saw the participation of the CECOP-CICOPA Europe President Giuseppe Guerini.

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28 Sep 2018

Stand Up for the Social Pillar: Strong presence and interest for the first meeting of the alliance!


On 26 September in Brussels, a conference was held on the role of the European Semester mechanism and the Multiannual Financial Framework as tools to boost social investments. The conference was attended by 120 representatives...

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25 Sep 2018

CECOP appointed member of GECES


CECOP has been appointed as members of the European Commission’s expert group on Social Economy and Social Enterprises (GECES).

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18 Sep 2018

Cafe Čokl: Consciousness through Coffee

EaSI / ESF+ programme

We met with Živa from the worker cooperative Buna in Ljubljana. Through the coffee they exclusively make from Fair-trade beans, they promote the values of the cooperatives: autonomy and independence; education, training and inf...

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17 Sep 2018

26/09: Delivering on the European Pillar of Social Rights: The role of the European Semester and the new MFF


WHEN: Wednesday 26th September 2018 15:00-17:00 
WHERE: European Parliament, room A3G-3

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