
Employment &
Social Inclusion



13 Jun 2023

The Council of the European Union adopts its position on the Directive on improving platform work


On 12 of June, the EPSCO Council of the European Union adopted with a qualified majority its position on the Platform Work Directive.

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13 Jun 2023

CECOP and Social Economy Europe hosted the parallel seminar "Social Economy as driving force for green and digital transition" at the Social Economy Conference

News Event EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP co-hosted the seminar on "Social economy as driving force for green and digital transition", which took place during the Social Ecomomy Conference on the 8th of June, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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09 Jun 2023

CECOP welcomes new members OZRSS and Workers.coop


CECOP has welcomed two new organisations into its membership: OZRSS & Workers.coop

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09 Jun 2023

Report of Activity 2022

News Publication EaSI / ESF+ programme

In our Report of Activity from 2022, we invite our members, readers, and the general public to take a look at our main achievements from last year.

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08 Jun 2023

Joint Civil Society Letter on the Removal of Commission Officials’ Details from the ‘Whoiswho’ Directory


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01 Jun 2023

CECOP calls for a higher ceiling and more transparency in de minimis state aid for SGEI


On May 31 2023, CECOP contributed to the European Commission’s consultation on the amendment of the Regulation on de minimis state aid for services of general economic interest (SGEI)

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30 May 2023

Support the Emilia-Romagna relief efforts


CECOP invites the broader cooperative community to contribute to the relief efforts after the devastating floods in the Emilia-Romagna region.

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16 May 2023

CECOP Newsletter #1 - 2023

News EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP is happy to announce the publication of the first edition of our newsletter of 2023. We hope through it, members and readers alike, will stay informed of our latest activities and EU developments.

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05 Apr 2023

Delivering financial instruments for worker buyouts – CECOP speaking at FI Campus 2023

News Event

CECOP and several of its members spoke at the FI Campus event, presenting the cooperative model in a session focused on worker buyouts

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03 Apr 2023

Social impact measurement: lessons from our network at OECD conference


CECOP president Giuseppe Guerini attended the OECD Conference “Inspiration, innovation and inclusion: Shaping our future with the social and solidarity economy”. This article details his intervention on social impact measurement.

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16 Mar 2023

Transition pathway for construction acknowledges worker coops’ contribution to quality working conditions


On March 15, 2023, European Commission published the green and digital transition pathway for construction – it acknowledges the important contribution of worker cooperatives

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01 Mar 2023

Platform Work

News Position paper Publication Event EaSI / ESF+ programme

Find out more about our advocacy on the topic of platform work. In recent years CECOP has worked hard to raise awareness on the challenges workers face on platforms, and the cooperative solutions available.

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28 Feb 2023

CECOP at FI Campus 2023 - Financial Instruments in changing times

News Event

CECOP’s Secretary General will be discussing worker buyouts in this event.

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22 Feb 2023

Gothenburg becomes the EU's center for social economy for three days

News Event EaSI / ESF+ programme

In connection with the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the most important European players in the field of social economy gather in Gothenburg, at a conference highlighting the role of social economy in cr...

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21 Feb 2023

ZOOM IN on our Swedish Member – Coompanion


CECOP had the chance to sit down with our member Coompanion, and discuss the ongoing Swedish Presidency.

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14 Feb 2023

Türkiye and Syria earthquakes: how can the coop family help?


After two earthquakes hit Türkiye and Syria, the cooperative movement is getting together to channel and amplify help. 

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13 Feb 2023

Social Economy Action Plan Marks Year One: Let’s Take Stock of the Progress


December 9, 2022, marked the 1-year anniversary of the Social Economy Action Plan (SEAP), a key EU document outlining EU policies in support of social economy.

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07 Feb 2023

CECOP report “Cooperatives Care” now available in Polish

News Publication EaSI / ESF+ programme

This CECOP report focuses on how coops contribute to meeting the high demand for care and address the challenges in the sector. It is now readily available in Polish.

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02 Feb 2023

European Parliament votes in favour of a strong Platform Work Directive and level playing field for all platforms

News Press release

Today, on 2 February 2023, European Parliament in the plenary vote approved the EMPL committee report on the Platform Work Directive, supporting cooperatives and promoting fair competition for honest businesses.

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17 Jan 2023

European Parliament’s EMPL committee recognizes cooperatives and reaches important compromises in its platform work report; it must not be watered down


In December 2022, after months of intense work, European Parliament’s EMPL committee adopted its report on the Directive on improving working conditions in platform work

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22 Dec 2022

CECOP Newsletter #4 - 2022

News EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP is happy to announce the publication of the fourth edition of our newsletter of 2022. We hope through it, members and readers alike, will stay informed of our latest activities and EU developments.

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19 Dec 2022

CECOP Mutual Learning Sessions among members: How can federations support cooperatives in the digital transitions?

News Event EaSI / ESF+ programme

During the second semester of 2022, CECOP co-hosted a series of three MLS for members on coops and digitalization.

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15 Dec 2022

CECOP input on the European Commission’s plan for the European Year of Skills 2023


CECOP supports the objective and several measures envisaged by the European Commission in the framework of the European Year of Skills 2023, highlights cooperative-specific priorities.

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13 Dec 2022

"Cooperatives Care!" conference discusses coops' multidimensional work on innovation in care - and their role in the European Care Strategy

News Event EaSI / ESF+ programme

CECOP's hybrid conference on November 15 gathered cooperators, EU institutions and other European stakeholders to discuss the role of cooperatives in the care sector.

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09 Dec 2022

CECOP publication "Lasting Impact" now available in Polish

News Publication EaSI / ESF+ programme

At the beginning of 2022, CECOP published the report “Lasting Impact. Measuring the social impact of worker and social cooperatives in Europe: focus on Italy and Spain”. The publication is now readily available in Polish.

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