Follow the link to the July 2020 edition. 

In this Edition:


CECOP policy work

How industrial and services coops face COVID-19
Policy paper on non-standard and platform workers impacted by the COVID-19 crisis
Reaction to the EU Industrial and SME strategies
Cooperatives fit to contribute to the new European skills agenda
New report 'All for One - Response of worker-owned cooperatives to non-standard employment' 

Update from EU institutions and partners

A Recovery Plan for Europe (Next Generation EU)
Updates on the EU Multiannual Financial Framework
Latest statements of our partners

Worth reading for social economy enterprises

Making Socially Responsible Public Procurement work: A new European Commission Report
Social Finance Recipe Book
Study on working conditions of platform workers
Social enterprises ecosystem mapping


This bulletin has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020) For further information please consult their website.