
Employment &
Social Inclusion



20 Oct 2014

Worker and Social cooperatives at the heart of the 2014 Cooperative Summit

Position paper

From October 5 to 9, the 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives held in Quebec City, Canada brought together 3,000 participants from 93 countries. Worker and social cooperatives were broadly represented both in institutional...

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10 Oct 2014

Cooperatives to transform society : a manifesto from the Young Leaders at the International Summit of Cooperatives

Position paper

We, young cooperative leaders and members, believe in the cooperative principles and cooperative values. We believe that the co-operative movement must be at the centre of creating a more sustainable and equal economy. We belie...

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07 Oct 2014

Cooperatives contribute to resilient employment, a sustainable economy and the well-being of people at work

Position paper

Cooperatives have been contributing to employment all over the world for decades. Presented for the first time at the International Summit of Cooperatives, the study “Cooperatives and Employment: a global report” ca...

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15 Sep 2014

Heading towards a cooperative shockwave: the adoption of the law on the social and solidarity economy in France

Position paper

The French law on the recognition and development of the social and solidarity economy, which has been in force since August 2014, introduces changes to the status and functioning of worker cooperatives, creates a regime for em...

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28 Jul 2014

Javier Salaberría, former CICOPA President has passed away

Position paper

Javier Salaberría, CICOPA President from 2005 until 2011, sadly passed away on Saturday 26th July and we received this news with great sorrow. Javier will remain a fundamental figure in the memories of all those who work...

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25 Jul 2014

Work Together - June/July/August 2014

Position paper

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24 Jul 2014

Worker cooperation development in Belgium

Position paper

Worker cooperatives in Belgium are getting organised. The Union des Scop Wallonie-Bruxelles has emerged this year thanks to the determination of more than 30 enterprises of various statuses. The objective is to stimulate the cr...

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04 Jul 2014

Achieving sustainable development for all through cooperative ownership and participation

Position paper

On the eve of the International Cooperative Day, CICOPA, the voice of worker, social and artisans' cooperatives, is underlining the high potential of inclusion of those cooperatives being strongly linked to their ownership...

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01 Jul 2014

Spain: 32% more worker cooperatives created than last year

Position paper

In 2013, a 32% increase in the creation of worker cooperatives was registered last year, according to the Spanish Confederation of Worker Cooperatives (COCETA). Those enterprises present rare figures in the Spanish business wor...

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24 Jun 2014

Italian government launches the reform of the third sector : important role assigned to social cooperatives as drivers of growth and employment

Position paper

“It is with great satisfaction and pride that we welcome Prime Minister Renzi's decision to assign social cooperatives and social enterprises the role of being the actors most capable of creating both growth and emplo...

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23 Jun 2014

Business transfer to employees: increased recognition from the European Commission

Position paper

The European Commission organised a conference on 17 June on business transfer, grouping experts in the field for the occasion. CECOP was invited to share the expertise of its network regarding the transfer of business to emplo...

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18 Jun 2014

Best result in 6 years for the creation of worker cooperatives in France

Position paper

With 263 new companies, 2013 was the best year in 6 years for the creation of worker cooperatives in France. The total number of companies is now 2,252 (a 4% increase with respect to 2012; and a 17% increase compared to 2009)....

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13 Jun 2014

Discover a new site of the Cooproute every week!

Position paper

Getting ready for summer destinations and planning to travel around Europe? Why not to visit a cooperative contributing to preserve and value the local industrial, cultural and natural heritage? At CECOP, we will help you to di...

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21 May 2014

The social cooperative Progetto QUID, winner of the EU Social Innovation Competition!

Position paper

The Italian social cooperative Progetto QUID was announced yesterday 20 May as one +of the three winners of the European Social Innovation Competition, organised by the European Commission. Progetto Quid is a new Made in Italy...

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14 May 2014

Worker and social cooperatives, a solution to youth entrepreneurship?


With the aim of gathering ‘Ideas for a better Europe', more than 5,000 young people took part at the European Youth Event (EYE) organized by the European Parliament and the European Youth Forum from 9 – 11 May a...

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13 May 2014

Italian social cooperative finalist for the European Commission Social Innovation Prize

Position paper

Social innovation is at the basis of cooperatives. Many examples all around Europe are showing how ideas that put people at the heart of the decision-making process answer to social needs. As a result, over 1,200 proposals were...

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07 May 2014

Spain: 23% more worker cooperatives created in 2013 and generating net employment

Position paper

At the close of 2013 there was a 23% increase in the creation of worker cooperatives than at the same time the previous year. Up to 2013, there had been 10 points' worth of fewer job losses in cooperatives than in other com...

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06 May 2014

Luca Dal Pozzo, new President of CECOP

Position paper

The General Assembly of CECOP, gathered today in Brussels, has elected Luca Dal Pozzo as the new President of CECOP. With this election, he becomes also Vice-President of CICOPA for Europe. Mr. Dal Pozzo has been Vice-President...

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29 Apr 2014

Press release to the Informal EPSCO meeting, 29-30 April 2014

Position paper


29 Apr 2014

Cooperatives in Industry and Services urge EU Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs to invest in reindustrialization and active inclusion in Europe

Position paper

Europe needs urgently to invest more in the reindustrialization of its countries and regions and in the active inclusion for all citizens, with specific attention to the most disadvantaged and its youth. Industrial and service...

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19 Apr 2014

The documentary Together selected by The Green Up Film Festival!


The Green Up Film Festival has selected the documentary TOGETHER, produced by CECOP to be screened from 16 – 30 April! It has been voted by the festival followers as one of the 10 documentaries most liked. The film has be...

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03 Apr 2014

The Mondragon Corporation has already found a solution for 67% of worker-members at Fagor Electrodomésticos

Position paper

The strong commitment of the Mondragon Corporation cooperatives to employment has matersalized, in spite of the economic situation. Only four months after filing for protection from creditors, Fagor Electrodomésticos has...

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02 Apr 2014

Call for continuing supportive policies for the social economy in the European Union

Position paper

In its 2014 Elections Memorandum the Social Economy Intergroup of the European Parliament calls on political parties and individual candidates for the European Parliament to ensure that in the upcoming legislature social econom...

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01 Apr 2014

3rd year running! Representatives of European cooperatives and social entreprises for people with disabilities

Position paper

In March the city of Plovdiv, in Bulgaria, turns into the capital of cooperatives and social enterprises for people with disabilities. Cooperatives and social enterprises from several European countries and representatives from...

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20 Mar 2014

Manifesto for the European Elections 2014

News Publication

CECOP launches manifesto for EU elections

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