
Employment &
Social Inclusion



24 Feb 2015

24/02 - "How to promote sustainable tourism experiences through the European Route of Cooperative Culture"

Position paper

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24 Feb 2015

Cooproute, building European heritage

Position paper

Today Cooproute, the European Route of Cooperative Culture, has been presented in Brussels, the capital of the continent where the cooperative movement was born in 1844, near Manchester. As a key sector of the European economy...

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16 Feb 2015

The Mondragon Corporation of the future: the democratic debate begins

Position paper

The largest industrial cooperative group in the world, Mondragon Corporation, is starting a large-scale debate involving its 120 cooperative enterprises. Over the next two years there'll be an internal debate as to how coop...

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09 Feb 2015

Transitional worker cooperatives: a new tool for employees involved in company buyouts

Position paper

The transitional worker cooperative is an initiative introduced under The Social and Solidarity Economy French Bill, which came into force in July 2014. Its aim is to help business acquisitions that fall under the worker cooper...

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02 Feb 2015

Fourth European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship to be held from 26th until 29th March 2015, in Bulgaria

Position paper

Cooperatives and social enterprises from several European countries and representatives from the European Union will met for the fourth time in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, to participate in the European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship....

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23 Jan 2015

24/02 - How to promote sustainable tourist experiences through the European route of cooperative culture?

Position paper

Tourism is one of the largest socioeconomic activities in Europe. Given its potential, it should develop its capacity to generate benefits for the whole society in fields such as employment, sustainable wealth generation, cultu...

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19 Jan 2015

Green Economy and Worker Cooperatives

Position paper

A report recently published by the Andalusian Federation of Worker Cooperatives (FAECTA) in Spain provide evidence that the green economy offers new business opportunities and job creation for worker cooperatives in this region...

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18 Dec 2014

II European Award for Social Entrepreneurship and Disability: Promoting Social Investment

Position paper

The ONCE Foundation (created by ONCE, the National Organization of Spanish blind people, in 1988) with the support of a group of companies, member organizations as well as the European Commission has launched the 2nd European A...

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11 Dec 2014

The re-establishment of the social economy intergroup is a fact

Position paper

Today the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament has officially confirmed the re-establishment of the Social Economy Intergroup. This important decision has been taken thanks to the support of more than 80 MEPs fro...

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04 Dec 2014

Worker cooperatives at the very heart of the month dedicated to the social and solidarity economy in France

Position paper

To mark the month dedicated to the social and solidarity economy in France, the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Finance is hosting an exhibition, called “For people who like Mondays – work in a Scop”, from m...

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04 Dec 2014

Cooperatives active in tourism, boosting local wealth and social cohesion through sustainable jobs and activities

Position paper

On the European Tourism Day, CECOP, the European confederation of cooperatives active in industry and services wishes to stress the socio-economic development power of more than 8,000 enterprises[1] (18% of our network) active...

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27 Nov 2014

23 January 2015: Ways Forward III conference, a New Era for Cooperative Development, UK

Position paper

On Friday 23 January 2015 Cooperative Business Consultants, a cooperative consortium dedicated to helping democratic enterprises, will host Ways Forward III in Manchester (UK). The aim of this conference is, according to the or...

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26 Nov 2014

Social considerations and quality crucial in public procurement to achieve a sustainable, smart and inclusive Europe

Position paper

Public procurement represents 20% of the European Union GDP. To analyse the opportunities provided by the new directive to foster social inclusion, the European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE), Social Platform...

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23 Nov 2014

Redefining the European agenda for the social economy

Position paper

More than 600 people participated in the conference "Unlocking the potential of the social economy for EU growth", organised by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy within the framework of the Italian Pres...

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13 Nov 2014

The study ‘Cooperatives and Employment: a Global Report' is available online

Position paper

Presented for the first time at the International Summit of Cooperatives on 7 October with the presence of ILO Deputy Director General Sandra Polaski, and available now in an electronic version, the study “Cooperatives an...

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06 Nov 2014

CECOP at the conference "Unlocking the potential of the social economy for EU growth", Rome, November 17-18

Position paper

The conference "Unlocking the potential of the social economy for EU growth" is organised by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in the framework of the Italian Presidency of the EU Council and will be he...

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05 Nov 2014

CECOP welcomes the new European Commission: it is time to reverse the curve for growth and jobs!

Position paper

The new European Commission has started its 5 year term this week. CECOP, the European Confederation of Cooperatives active in industry and services, welcomes the new Commission of the elected President Jean-Claude Juncker and...

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31 Oct 2014

CECOP's position on the EU 2020 mid-term review

Position paper


31 Oct 2014

Work Together - September/October 2014

Position paper

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31 Oct 2014

CECOP's position on the EU 2020 mid-term review: last chance for a sustainable, smart and inclusive growth in Europe by 2020?

Position paper

Four years after launching the EU 2020 strategy characterised by strong objectives and targets supposed to foster growth and jobs, the European Commission is doing a mid-term review and organising a public consultation for that...

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30 Oct 2014

Press release : the interactive guide of the European route of cooperatives launched today

Press release


29 Oct 2014

The interactive guide of the European route of cooperatives launched today


An approach based on passive touristic consumption and the unsustainable exploitation of many destinations has showed its limits and negative effects. As a consequence, a growing range of more responsible and sustainable experi...

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27 Oct 2014

20 November: Social Economy Enterprises and public procurement: a win-win combination for social inclusion!


CECOP together with the Social Platform, ENSIE, Eurodiaconia and REVES are holding a side event at the European Platform Against Poverty and Social Exclusion (EPAP), entitled ‘Social Economy Enterprises and public procure...

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22 Oct 2014

29 October: launching of the Cooproute online guide

Position paper

The Emilia- Romagna Region is hosting on 29th October the worldwide launching of the new on-line guide of the European Route of Cooperative Culture in Bologna. This event will lead to a debate on the potential of the itinerary...

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20 Oct 2014

Worker and Social cooperatives at the heart of the 2014 Cooperative Summit

Position paper

From October 5 to 9, the 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives held in Quebec City, Canada brought together 3,000 participants from 93 countries. Worker and social cooperatives were broadly represented both in institutional...

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