
Employment &
Social Inclusion



31 Mar 2016

Responsible Construction Worker Cooperatives in the Construction sector launch their CSR label


Several cooperative and participative enterprises in the French construction sector will soon be able to display the Worker Cooperatives BTP (Construction and Public Works) label on all of their documents. This label has been g...

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23 Mar 2016



We wish to thank all the people from around Europe who sent us messages of solidarity with us and the people finding themselves in Belgium, and asking if we were safe. Fortunately we in CECOP are all well. We consider such atta...

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21 Mar 2016

Italian cooperatives lead the way in helping workers strike a good work-life balance


Italian cooperatives accord priority to the integration of women in the labour market. Not only are 61% of their employees women, 23.6% of them hold top level positions (26% including positions of responsibility in the manageme...

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21 Mar 2016

Labour Integration of refugees in Greece: a Cooperative Hostel to Spread Solidarity


“Welcommon” stands for “Welcome in common”. This is the name that four well-established organisations, the social cooperative Wind of Renewal, the Greek Forum of Refugees, the Greek Forum of Migrants and...

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04 Mar 2016

Social cooperatives: the charter for the promotion of the sustainable inclusion of migrants in Italy


The on-going conflicts in Africa and the Middle East have led to an increasing number of individuals leaving their home countries and seeking asylum in Europe and the European Union has found itself unprepared to deal with this...

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29 Feb 2016

Labour integration of refugees: the cooperative formula


Since its creation, social cooperative Camelot in Bologna and Ferrara, Italy, has worked on programs for the labour integration of migrants, including asylum seeker and refugees. It provides services within the framework of the...

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29 Feb 2016

"Subiendo al Sur", the emblematic Spanish cooperative of immigrants that is striving to overcome the crisis


If there is an emblematic cooperative of immigrants in Spain, it is the restaurant, store and catering service from Madrid, Subiendo al Sur, which is more than 25 years old and has constantly changed and adapted to circumstance...

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23 Feb 2016

Quality employment to be one of the main challenges to face, according to the ILO

Press release

In 2016, the creation of quality employment is one of the main challenges “all countries and regions of the world are confronting”, according to the recently published International Labour Organisation (ILO) study &...

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05 Feb 2016

CECOP welcomes GUE/NGL commitment to place Social and Solidarity Economy at the heart of the new European project

Press release

More than 200 people participated in the European Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy, “Transforming the economic and cultural paradigms”, held on 28 January in the European Parliament. The Forum, which was organized by the Eur...

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27 Jan 2016

96 years of cooperative university teaching in Romania


The name chosen by the ARTIFEX university in Rumania, which represents a response to the real social need for training for professional and managerial staff, managers and specialists who are required to both manage and organise...

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27 Jan 2016

18/03 : CECOP Board


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26 Jan 2016

31/03 - 3/04 : 5th European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship


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22 Jan 2016

Social cooperatives: a major actor for offenders’ rehabilitation

Position paper

Aiming at exchanging experiences in the implementation of alternative measures to incarceration, worker and social cooperatives and associations from the UK, Italy, Spain and France, together with CECOP and other organisations,...

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19 Jan 2016

23/06 : General Assembly of CECOP

Position paper

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19 Jan 2016

5th European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship co-organised by CECOP in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Position paper

At the occasion of the 120 anniversary of the establishment of the first Bulgarian worker cooperative, the fifth European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship will be held from 31 March to 3 April 2016 in the city of Plovdiv, Bulga...

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28 Dec 2015

November/December issue of Work Together is out!


The November/December issue of the magazine ‪Work Together‬ sharing the latest news on cooperatives active in industry and services worldwide is out! Specific articles are focused on European issues such as the latest informati...

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14 Dec 2015

Social agriculture: social cooperatives in Italy fostering territorial cohesion and development


Social innovation in Italy is making a difference, even in agriculture. Multiple experiences of social agriculture have “sprouted" around the country. Those initiatives closely connect agriculture with the local welf...

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10 Dec 2015

The UK’s social care sector through the eyes of the cooperatives CASA and Leading Lives


Cooperatives offering health and social care services, deeply rooted in the Italian territory, are now emerging in the UK. Democratically run and worker-owned enterprise, the cooperative CASA, created in 2004 in North east of E...

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09 Dec 2015

Between local stakes and universal emergency: cooperatives are committed to the ecological transition


During the Cop 21, conference on climate held in Paris during which UN members must sign a new international agreement against global warming, worker cooperatives have been showcasing their good practices in sectors as diverse...

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09 Dec 2015

Juan Antonio Pedreño, representative of the Spanish worker cooperative federation, elected president of Social Economy Europe

Press release

Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of the Spanish worker cooperative confederation (COCETA) and of CEPES, the Spanish business confederation of social economy, was unanimously elected President of Social Economy Europe for...

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08 Dec 2015

Council adopts conclusions on social economy: a historic commitment for the Member States

Press release

On Monday 7th of December, the European ministers in charge of employment and social affairs met to discuss the development of the social economy in the framework of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Council (E...

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07 Dec 2015

In Italy, 4 out of 10 women are at the helm of social cooperatives


The cooperative is among the types of company that has the highest number of women in senior positions in Italy: 23% versus 16% in other types of companies. The average of cooperatives managed by women has increased by 5% from...

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14 Nov 2015

WORKING TOGETHER FOR A COOPERATIVE FUTURE, young cooperators worldwide share their story


A video created in a collaborative manner that shares the experiences, challenges and motivations of young cooperators in 9 worker and social cooperatives from 9 countries worldwide, including 4 European examples. CICOPA, the i...

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14 Nov 2015

A new video about Young cooperators in the world: 4 European examples


Precarious work, not in line with their studies, a lack of independence…According to the latest numbers from the OECD, at least 75 million youths in the world are unemployed, while others are now creating tools to decide...

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28 Oct 2015

Back to school for social cooperatives!


Thirty cooperators from different parts of Europe met in Milan on 11th of October to take part at the first edition of Social Cooperatives and Social Enterprises International School. The school focused on social innovation and...

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