
Employment &
Social Inclusion



17 Jun 2017

Membership: SMart.be and Crédit Coopératif have joined CECOP in 2017!


As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of CICOPA, the network keeps on growing with a total of 4 members joining in the first semester of 2017, two in Europe affiliated to CECOP. The representation of cooperatives in industry and...

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11 May 2017

Time to bring a halt to austerity programmes: investment is required to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights

Position paper

CECOP welcomes the European Commission Social Pillar package, which represents a firm commitment for a more social, inclusive and fairer Union: it was high time! Since they are the expression of workers, citizens; and community...

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03 May 2017

Moving forward to a destinations-centred COOPROUTE


Several cooperatives across Europe are offering a sustainable and innovative tourism experience. In 2014, CECOP, together with other cooperative organisations, local authorities and entities from all around Europe, launched the...

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01 May 2017

International Workers' Day: Cooperatives’ ability to provide sustainable employment should inspire the future of work


The world of work is undergoing enormous transformations: the quality and organisation of work, the crisis of social and economic systems and the so-called 4th industrial revolution are all turning the world upside down. As ent...

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12 Apr 2017

Great success of the Sixth European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship


Cooperatives and other social economy enterprises met for the sixth time in 2017 for the European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship in Plovdiv (Bulgaria). More than 100 exhibitors from a total of 16 countries including Belgium,...

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07 Apr 2017

Social tourism on the Italian Ionian coast


The Fratello sole (Brother Sun) social cooperative was created at the end of the 1970s following the introduction of the Basaglia reform which radically changed care services provided to people suffering from mental health issu...

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04 Apr 2017

26/4 > Cooperatives and the Future of Work workshop in Malta


The Future of Work initiative under the International Labour Organization (ILO) Centenary is a key issue for cooperatives which by representing about 9% of the world employed population, according to our recent estimates, are...

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24 Mar 2017

A future of Europe that cares for the real economy, sustainable development and social justice

Press release

As the European Union is celebrating 60 years, cooperatives in industry and services wish to call on the need for a new Europe that again cares for the real economy, sustainable development and social justice. Over the years co...

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22 Mar 2017

Offering sail trips as a way to improve life skills, knowledge and attitudes


For these cooperators navigating is more than a transportation system. Based in Chichester and stablished on 2009, the Sail Boat Project is a worker cooperative providing a range of learning activities based around sailing. Aim...

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21 Mar 2017

A former ochre factory to gather the region around color


Ôkhra is located in a former ochre factory built in 1921 in the area of Roussillon, a small town of 1300 inhabitants in the south of France’s Natural Parc of Luberon. When the early business stopped in 1963, the ass...

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16 Mar 2017

Giuseppe Guerini, President of CECOP: “Cooperatives are a real driver of change and one of the few systems that, in today’s world, can provide opportunities for growth and the empowerment of


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03 Mar 2017

Growth in employment in Spanish cooperatives: 13,249 new positions in 2016


2016 was a strong year for setting up worker cooperatives in Spain. According to the latest figures released by Spain’s Ministry of Employment, at the end of the third quarter of 2016 there had been a 7.3% increase in the...

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08 Feb 2017

30/03 – 2/04: European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) co-organised by CECOP

Position paper

Cooperatives and other social economy enterprises will meet for the sixth time in 2017 for the European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship in Plovdiv (Bulgaria). It is co-organized by CECOP together with its member in Bulgaria th...

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26 Jan 2017

European Parliament calls for the promotion of cooperatives

Press release

CECOP welcomes the European Parliament Resolution of 19 January 2017 on a European Pillar of Social Rights, led by MEP Maria Joao Rodrigues (S&D), which recognizes that cooperatives are an integral part of the social econom...

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18 Jan 2017

The role played by cooperatives in building social justice whilst generating wealth and distributing it equitably should be fully recognized

Press release

The EU social model has been deteriorating gradually since the beginning of the crisis, with increasing levels of inequality, unemployment and a partial return to the informal economy. Young people, migrant workers and women ha...

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18 Jan 2017

CECOP calls for the recognition of cooperatives and other social economy enterprises as the European Parliament elects Antonio Tajani as its new President

Press release

The President of CECOP, Giuseppe Guerini, has welcomed the newly elected President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani: “Cooperatives in industry and services strongly believe that European institutions must recogn...

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11 Jan 2017

25 - 26/04 CECOP General Assembly


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09 Jan 2017

19 - 22/10: Social Cooperatives International School 2017, Naples


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12 Dec 2016

Social cooperatives create the first Italian network of social agriculture


After one year from the approval of the Italian law on social agriculture, the first Italian network of social agriculture "AgriCo.Re – Agricoltura e Cooperazione in rete" will be created. It will gather togethe...

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05 Dec 2016

EU Member States recognise the contribution of the Social Economy to sustainable job creation and social innovations


Ten EU Member States have signed the Bratislava Declaration, calling for an increased recognition of the importance of the Social Economy and urging the Member States to use the recommendations of the GECES General Report 2016....

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28 Nov 2016

CECOP welcomes the European Commission’s Communication on the Start-up and Scale-up Initiative

Press release

CECOP, the European Confederation of industrial and service cooperatives, welcomes the recently launched Communication from the European Commission “Europe’s next leaders: the Start-up and Scale-up Initiative”...

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27 Nov 2016

5/12 > Towards a fair sharing economy: The role and place of cooperative platforms


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25 Nov 2016

Intercooperation among tech cooperatives: from New Zealand to the UK


Cooperatives from the digital sector are joining together in the UK around the Megazord project, a coalition of tech-focused cooperatives that pool their resources to achieve their shared aims: “making the world better an...

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25 Nov 2016

The President of CECOP receives recognition of the Polish cooperative movement on its 200th anniversary

Press release

The president of CECOP, Giuseppe Guerini has received the medal for the 200th anniversary of the Polish cooperative movement under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda.

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24 Nov 2016

CECOP calls for improvements to be made to European funding systems supporting cooperatives in their efforts to create and save enterprises and jobs

Press release

The “Development of cooperatives: financial instruments for investing” workshop, which was jointly organised yesterday by CECOP together with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), analysed the current funding systems...

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