The Green Up Film Festival has preselected the documentary TOGETHER, produced by CECOP! We need your support to get as much votes as possible! Vote for the documentary TOGETHER before 15 April 2014. Spread the word and share th...
The European Route of the Cooperative Culture is a transnational itinerary in the field of cultural and industrial tourism which you can explore online. It is dedicated to all those interested in discovering sustainable and inn...
Italy's Prime Minister-designate Matteo Renzi, announced the line-up of his cabinet on 21 February. Giuliano Poletti, former head of the cooperative association Legacoop, has been appointed as minister of Labour and Welfare...
Worker cooperatives in Spain have grown by 32% in the third quarter of 2013, compared to the same period last year, according to data recently released by the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security. Again, this demo...
The two day event “Social Entrepreneurs have your say” organized by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has been held in Strasbourg (France) on 16 and 17 January. European p...
On January 15th, the European Parliament adopted new rules on public procurement. The new legislation, based on a European Commission proposal published two years ago, and agreed with Council in June 2013, is supposed to ensure...
A total of 417 members of Fagor Electrodomésticos are already working in other cooperatives of the Mondragon Corporation. The strong commitment of the Corporation to employment is materialized thus, just two months after...
Max Delespesse was one of the rare consciences of our time. He was the initiator of countless philosophical researches projects. He was mostly the pillar of the "new social economy" and of the creation of CECOP.
In a context where the French Government wishes to encourage the reconciliation of school and work and promote the social and solidarity economy in education, French worker cooperatives are promoting the cooperative model for y...
On 4th December 2013, the more than 1,000 worker and social cooperatives from the CECOP – CICOPA Europe network involved in activities linked to tourism celebrated the European Tourism Day. The cooperative business model,...
The European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor gave a keynote speech at the Conference Cooperatives and Work Integration of Disadvantaged Persons by highlighting that social c...
The primary mission of several thousand cooperatives all over Europe is to provide sustainable and quality employment to those who are furthest and most excluded from the labour market and at the risk of poverty: persons with p...
The first ‘partners’ meeting in the frame of the EU project “Cooproute – The European Route of the Cooperative Culture” took place in Brussels on 24 and 25 October. It represented the first importa...
Vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities are more likely to be unemployed than others, increasing risks of poverty and social exclusion. Different types of barriers prevent them from entering and staying on the labour ma...
The European Fair of Enterprises and Cooperatives in Social Economy will be held for the third time in a row in 2014 in Plovdiv (Bulgaria). Since 2012, the exhibition has developed into an international event - a European forum...
After Fagor Electrodomésticos filed for protection from creditors while it tries to refinance its debt, a cooperative of the MONDRAGON Corporation, it should be emphasized that the cooperative model in general and the MO...
CECOP has just launched a new European project aiming at the design of transnational product in the field of cultural and industrial tourism: an innovative itinerary going through various European countries. This route will be...