
Employment &
Social Inclusion



27 Nov 2006

CECOP European seminar on worker cooperatives and social enterprises

Position paper

Around 50 participants, mainly from the CECOP network, gathered in this intensive four-hour seminar. The idea was to analyse the European social enterprise phenomenon from CECOP's traditional viewpoint of workers' joint...

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27 Nov 2006

Workshop on business start-up procedures

Position paper

On 13 November, DG Employment organised a workshop on Business start-up procedures for SME's (CECOP Link 2006/18). We had already talked about this topic in CECOP Link n° 16 encouraging you to complete the Commission qu...

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16 Nov 2006

History of the CICOPA-CECOP institutional integration process (1997 - 2006)

Position paper

Based on minutes of general assemblies and board meetings


02 Nov 2006

Minister Giulio Santagata intervenes at the Assembly of the industrial cooperatives of Legacoop, Italy, with a focus on industrial innovation

Position paper

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02 Nov 2006

Alioune, Fatuma, Mahmoud, Mohamed, Said, Noredien, Abdelatif, Bakari, Ismael

Position paper

Thes are not numbers. They are persons that have left their countries to look for a better future. Many not only did not find it, but risked their lives and have had to go back to the lands of poverty, without future. Hundreds...

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01 Nov 2006

French minister Jean-Louis Borloo signs a memorandum for the development of cooperatives of services to persons and praises the cooperative system

Position paper

For the 1st anniversary of the law on the Services to the person, Jean-Louis Borloo, French minister of employment, social Cohesion and Housing, signed on July 24, in the presence of Frédéric Tiberghien, inter-departmental delegat...

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31 Oct 2006

Update on the ongoing debate on services of general interest in Europe and why cooperatives are concerned

Position paper

We are at the middle of a European debate on Services of general interest (SGI), which directly concerns many of our cooperatives, which are member- and community-based enterprises. A European Parliament resolution on Services...

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24 Oct 2006

De Minimis Aid

Position paper

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24 Oct 2006


Position paper

European Social NGOs devise ten key principles for a fair and just “flexicurity”


23 Oct 2006

Action at EU level to promote the active inclusion of the people furthest from the labour market

Position paper

In April 2006, CECOP anticipated the consultation organised by DG Employment, Social affairs and equal opportunities of the European Commission on “an action at EU level to promote the active inclusion of the people furth...

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06 Oct 2006

CECOP European Seminar in Manchester on 9th November 2006

Position paper

SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND WORKER COOPERATIVES : Comparing models of corporate governance and social Inclusion. Organised within the framework of the ICA-Europe and CCACE regional assembly, 9-11 November, Mancheste...

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06 Oct 2006

Internal Market Consultation... follow up!

Position paper

On 14 June 2006, CECOP send to the Commission its position in the framework of the consultation that it organised on “The future of the internal market”.

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06 Oct 2006

To come: International Forum for a responsible globalisation - Lyon / 25-28 October 2006

Position paper

From 25 to 28 October 2006, the international Forum for a responsible globalisation will be held in Lyon. This Forum will be organised around 3 main subjects which are: what kind of global chain of trade for fair development, c...

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06 Oct 2006

Report from Coopexpo, the cooperative fair of Central Europe

Position paper

During the 17th to the 22nd August 2006, within the framework of the Agrokomplex Fair in Nitra, the doors of the 13th International Co-operative Contract and Sale Exhibition COOPEXPO 2006 were opened.

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06 Oct 2006

Conference on Social Enterprises - Riva Del Garda / 21-23 September 2006

Position paper

A national conference called ?Social Enterprises: Year Zero' focusing on the new Italian framework legislation on social enterprise gathered a number of scholars, cooperative leaders, high-level government civil servants, N...

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06 Oct 2006

Final Conference of the project «Towards the European Cooperative Society : democracy and participation in the cooperative enterprises and cooperative groups »

Position paper

This project, under the coordination of Legacoop with the help of Diesis, and with a partnership comprising also CGSCOP, CONFESAL and COCETA as well as CECOP, held its final conference in Venice on 29 September.

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06 Oct 2006

Meeting on UCE project in Lyon / 15 September 2006

Position paper

The UCE (European Cooperative University) Leonardo project (2006-2007), coordinated by the French Groupement des Collèges Coopératifs and in which CECOP and several CECOP members (CGSCOP, COCETA, SAW, plus Co-oper...

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06 Oct 2006

CECOP visited UGSCOP Rhone Alpes in Lyon / 18 September 2006

Position paper

Bruno Roelants paid a visit to the Rhone-Alpes union of worker cooperatives in Lyon, one of the most developed ones in France. There are presently 231 worker cooperatives affiliated to this regional union, an increase of 15% in...

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06 Oct 2006

EDITO of CECOP LINK nr. 2006/16

Position paper

The new name « CECOP LINK » is aimed at not creating confusion with the new external newsletter, which will be titled « CECOP NEWS », with a first issue on 20 October. The recipients of this new external...

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04 Oct 2006

Major agreement in Italy between the Cooperative Confederations and the Trade Union Confederations on the SCE Directive and other topics

Position paper

On 28 September, the three Italian cooperative confederations (AGCI, Confcooperative and Legacoop) and the three trade union confederations (CGIL, CISL, UIL) signed a common opinion for the implementation of the European direct...

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28 Sep 2006

Rapkay Report Amended

Position paper

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28 Sep 2006

EP resolution

Position paper

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28 Sep 2006

Draft recommendation for 2nd reading by the EP

Position paper

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28 Sep 2006

2006 COOPEXPO Exhibition

Position paper

During the 17th to the 22nd August 2006, in the framework of the Agrokomplex Fair in Nitra, the doors of the 13th International Co-operative Contract and Sale Exhibition COOPEXPO 2006 were opened. The organizers of the exhibiti...

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28 Sep 2006

2006 COOPEXPO Exhibition

Position paper

During the 17th to the 22nd August 2006, in the framework of the Agrokomplex Fair in Nitra, the doors of the 13th International Co-operative Contract and Sale Exhibition COOPEXPO 2006 were opened. The organizers of the exhibiti...

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