
Employment &
Social Inclusion



30 Nov 2007

The Spanish Government prompts regulation for "Social Inclusion" Enterprises

Position paper

The Spanish Ministries Council recently approved the draft law for the regulation of social inclusion enterprises. The text is now in being analysed by the Labour Commission, Labour Relations, Employment and Social Security of...

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27 Nov 2007

The services of general economic interest

Position paper

The new European treaty - future « Lisbon Treaty » - will be officially signed on 13 December at the European summit in Brussels; in February 2008 the European Parliament should approve it and, as long as the 27 Mem...

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27 Nov 2007

The services of general economic interest

Position paper

The new European treaty - future « Lisbon Treaty » - will be officially signed on 13 December at the European summit in Brussels; in February 2008 the European Parliament should approve it and, as long as the 27 Mem...

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26 Oct 2007

Final conference of the Involve project

Position paper

The final conference of the Involve project was held on 3 October 2007 in Brussels in the premises of the European Trade Union Confederation with 3 representatives of the European Commission, 14 representatives from the trade u...

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26 Oct 2007

Common ETUC-CECOP conclusions

Position paper

Common ETUC-CECOP conclusions concerning the voluntary standards of workers' involvement in SCE composed of worker cooperatives, social cooperatives or worker owned enterprises, and/or of worker-members.


11 Oct 2007

CECOP's response

Position paper

Draft block exemption consultation: CECOP's response


11 Oct 2007

Communication from the Commission

Position paper

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.


11 Oct 2007

Cooperatives Europe comments on the Communication from the EC on a simplified business environment

Position paper

Cooperatives Europe comments on the Communication from the Commission on a simplified business environment for companies in the areas of company law, accounting and auditing.


24 Sep 2007

Cooperatives Europe comments on the Draft

Position paper

Cooperatives Europe comments on the Draft General Block exemption Regulation


22 Sep 2007

Introducing Fenacerci, the Portuguese social solidarity cooperatives federation

Position paper

The CECOP member organisation, Fenacerci has 51 social solidarity cooperatives, which provide services to children, youth and adults with disabilities and their families.

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13 Sep 2007

Cooperatives Europe draft text with CECOP's remarks

Position paper

Consultation on a possible European Private Company Statute: Cooperatives Europe draft text with CECOP's remarks


23 Aug 2007

Project presentation

Position paper

The project "Cooperative European University" (Université Coopérative Européenne / UCE) aims at developing and structuring a European network on training of the social and solidarity economy entre...

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18 Jul 2007

Spain: The tourism cooperatives prepare for the summer

Position paper

Located at the seaside and in the mountains, the houses, generally rural and run according to ecological criteria, have seen an increase in the number of hosts and hope to attract even more. For people from the villages, the se...

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18 Jul 2007

CFI make a bi-annual assessment of its cooperative development activities at its general Assembly

Position paper

The Assembly of CFI (Cooperazione Finanza Impresa) made an assessment of its activities over the last three years. CFI is a financial company specialised in risk capital participation in producers' cooperative enterprises a...

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18 Jul 2007

Cooperative Memorandum to the Portuguese presidency of the European Union

Position paper

The European Cooperative movement has just sent a memorandum to the new EU Portuguese presidency. The memorandum was drafted by Cooperatives Europe, the European apex organisation and European region of the ICA, of which CECOP...

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12 Jul 2007

Co-operative Rationale (from Cooperatives Europe)

Position paper

Co-operatives: Uniques organisation with specific missions

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12 Jul 2007

European Commission Vice President receives a delegation from the Cooperative Movement

Position paper

On 4 July 2004, EC Vice President and DG Enterprise Commissioner Günter Verheugen received a delegation of Cooperatives Europe, the intersectoral organisation of which CECOP is a sectoral and founding member. He recognised...

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12 Jul 2007

COOPEXPO 2007, August, Nitra, Slovakia

Position paper

The Co-operative Union of the Slovak Republic together with its member organization, COOP PRODUCT SLOVAKIA, is organizing the 14th International Co-operative Contract and Sale Exhibition COOPEXPO that will be held in the town o...

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25 Jun 2007

CECOP's presentation at Third Cooperative Convention

Position paper

"Relations between federations of worker and social cooperatives and trade unions in Europe"

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25 Jun 2007

CECOP's Document

Position paper

The cohesion policy 2007-2013


22 Jun 2007

Position of Cooperatives Europe

Position paper

Common Position of Cooperatives Europe on Services of General Interest - 14 June 2007


13 Jun 2007

State aid: Block Exemption

Position paper

Within the framework of the consultation on the state aid block exemption regulation, CECOP sent its own position.

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29 May 2007

CGSCOP collaborates with French TV channel, France 2, to prepare a report on production cooperatives in France

Position paper

France 2, the 1st public services TV channel in France broadcasted a TV programme called “Complément d'Enquête” titled “France differently”. They asked CGSCOP to participate which allowe...

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20 May 2007

ANCPL National assembly: turnover of 9,189 millions Euros in 2006, a growth of 4,6% compared to 2005

Position paper

On 18 May 2007, ANCPL held its national assembly with the presence of the Italian economy and finance Minister, Vincenzo Visco. It was the occasion for the organisation to present excellent results: with 889 cooperatives and 6...

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10 May 2007

Social Platform draft SGI common position

Position paper

Ensuring high quality services of general interest: What role for the Europe Union? - Common position of the Social Platform - Version of 3 May 2007
