30-09 & 01/02-10-2008 

30-9-2008 : afternoon board meeting, Brussels

CECOP conference: « Worker ownership : the synthesis between entrepreneurial development and social inclusion », MAI (Maison des Associations internationals, Brussels

01-10-08 :
morning: seminar on SGI / SSGI - OPEN
afternoon: seminar on structural funds - OPEN

02-10-08 :
morning: financial participation and financial instruments - OPEN
afternoon: conclusions on the future European work of CECOP and of its members
seminar on the common CECOP European strategy for 2009/2010 - OPEN

 23, 24 & 25-10-2008

CA Expo, Lisbon, Portugal (www.icaexpo.coop)
21 & 22-11-2008 | European Conference on Social Economy, Strasbourg, within the framework of the French Presidency of the European Union, Strasbourg, France

16 & 17-12-2008 | Seminar and board meeting, Brussels

16-12-08: Board: approval of the 2009 work plan and budget
17-12-08: seminar on public procurements - OPEN