This call is divided into three sub-programmes that can be co-financed, namely, the improvement of the expertise concerning restructuring

(I), better understanding of health and well-being at the work during change
(II) and promoting the financial participation of workers
(III). Several activities have an interest for our enterprises, in particular, the exchange of information and good practice, the improvement of the knowledge of financial participation systems, the contribution to a better understanding of the advantages of these systems and of the obstacles to their subsequent development as well as the training of social partners in the functioning of financial participation systems (sub-programme III); the studies and other initiatives aiming at reinforcing the collection and the exploitation of information on the operating national systems to anticipate, prepare and accompany the reorganisations and the initiatives aiming at promoting the knowledge of innovating and effective practices as regards reorganizations (sub-programme I).

In order to have an impact, the projects must have a transnational dimension and should consequently be promoted by a European organization, or associate partners coming from various countries.

The projects associating various actors and supporting dialogue and partnership between enterprises, trade unions, public authorities, organisations of the civil society and other actors will be favoured.

The priority will be granted to the projects having a durable multiplier effect and an important aspect of dissemination.

The projects will have to include among their partners or participants organisations in at least 10 countries.

The projects should be submitted at the latest on 2 May for activities beginning at the latest on 1 July (total amount for granted projects: 720.000 €) or at the latest on 3 September for activities beginning between 1 November and 22 December (amount: 1.080.000 €).

Moreover, the total amount available (1.080.000 €) could be spent before the end of the financial year according to the quality of the received requests. When approved, the projects can be co-financed at most up to 80% of the committed sums.

Each project will be entitled to receive between 20 and 80% of the total budget allocated with this program (1.800.000 €), by which we anticipate that there will probably be a very limited number of granted projects. It is out of question that CECOP can design and apply for a project for the May 2 deadline.

We could maybe manage for September 3.

You can send your suggestions to us. Text of the call for proposals:>