
Employment &
Social Inclusion



07 Sep 2011

Sustainable European Economy? Cooperatives do it better!

Position paper

CECOP-CICOPA Europe has released 2 books on the contribution of cooperatives active in industry and services to a European sustainable economy. Those publications show why cooperatives are sustainable enterprises and how, as su...

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30 Aug 2011

New website on the road for cooperatives

Position paper

From September the 2nd a new platform called Global News Hub will showcase cooperative news, features and comment from across the world on one single website. Doing so, the website will contribute towards the celebration of the...

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29 Jul 2011

Cooperatives still more resilient to the crisis

Position paper

Every year since 2009, CICOPA has been consulting its members made up of national organisations representing cooperatives in industry and services in 33 countries throughout the world (including 16 EU countries). This consultat...

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25 Jul 2011

The impact of the crisis on worker and social cooperatives 2011 report

Position paper


22 Jul 2011

Promoting cooperatives and the Social Economy in Greece

Position paper

The report "Promoting cooperatives and the Social Economy in Greece - How to promote the social economy in Greece through social cooperatives, worker cooperatives, and cooperatives of artisans and of SMEs" was underta...

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22 Jul 2011

1. Resilience of cooperatives to the crisis

Position paper


21 Jul 2011

Cooperatives as builders of sustainable development

Position paper

As part of the answer to the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda, CICOPA is publishing the results of the study “Cooperatives as builders of sustainable development”, showing the state-of-the-art of worker, social and a...

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30 Jun 2011

International Day of Cooperatives: “Youth, the future of cooperative enterprise”

Position paper

The 2nd of July is the 89th International Day of Cooperatives of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA). This year, it highlights how cooperatives can successfully empower youth people, under the slogan: ‘Youth, the...

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24 Jun 2011

Cooperatives are key to the transition from the informal to the formal economy

Position paper

The document “Cooperatives are key to the transition from the informal to the formal economy” by CICOPA argues that the cooperative entrepreneurial model is particularly adapted to lifting people out of poverty and...

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23 Jun 2011

The resilience of the cooperative model


The study “The resilience of the cooperative model”, produced by CECOP - CICOPA Europe identifies the mechanisms which reinforce the resilience of European cooperatives in industry and services to the crisis. There...


22 Jun 2011

Business Transfers to Employees under the Form of a Cooperative in Europe

News Position paper Publication

CECOP-CICOPA Europe’s presents in this document the opportunities and challenges for successful business transfers in Europe under the cooperative form. Several good examples are presented from Spain, Italy, France and th...

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16 Jun 2011

EU co-financed Project encourages collaboration between Brazil and Uruguay cooperatives

Position paper

Red del Sur (Southern Network) has launched in 2010 an EU co-financed project, where processes focused in cross-border cooperation are reinforced. Organizations from Brazil and Uruguay, respectively UNISOL and FCPU, are already...

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07 Jun 2011

Sustainable employment: a key for the future of Europe

Position paper

CECOP - CICOPA Europe launched a campaign on sustainable employment highlighting the fact that worker cooperatives, social cooperatives and other types of enterprises owned by their workers allow a more sustainable type of empl...

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03 Jun 2011

The new law of ‘Sociedades laborales’ is envisaged to be adopted before the summer

Position paper

The Spanish Government has stated that the drafting reform of the law for the ‘Sociedades laborales’ (SAL), a specific form of worker-owned businesses, “is in a very advanced stage” and is expected to be...

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31 May 2011

The Romanian Minister of Culture and National Heritage denounces counterfeiting

Position paper

In an interview with the newspaper ‘Viata C’ published by UCECOM, the organisation Romanian worker cooperatives, Irina Cajal Marin, the deputy Secretary of the State along with the Romanian Minister of Culture and N...

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27 May 2011

Building gender equality through cooperatives

Position paper

In 8th March 2011 it was the centenary of International Women's Day. To mark this occasion, Work Together is coming back to the crucial role of women in worker cooperatives.

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26 May 2011

CECOP – CICOPA Europe raises awareness of European Union representatives with its campaign on sustainable employment

Position paper

CECOP – CICOPA Europe has sent a letter to several high-level EU decision makers to raise their awareness with its European campaign on sustainable employment highlighting the fact that worker cooperatives, social coopera...

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24 May 2011

Entries on the ‘Global Awards for Cooperative Excellence’

Position paper

The Global Awards for Cooperative Excellence have been created by DotCoop, the sponsor of the ‘.coop’ domain, to recognize the application of cooperative values and principles to drive cooperative and business succe...

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24 May 2011

Isabelle Durant : “Employment sustainability is also reflected in the management of the company that produces it”

Position paper

Isabelle Durant, Vice-President of the European Parliament and MEP (EFA / The Greens), has agreed to answer the questions of "Work Together" on the occasion of this special issue on sustainable employment. Isabelle Du...

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19 May 2011

Issue 4 - May 2011

Position paper

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19 May 2011

Save employment : Italtac shows the way

Position paper

The Italian Italtac company is a cooperative recently created and specialized in the production of self-adhesive material. It has a high level of technical expertise thanks to its highly qualified workforce.

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18 May 2011

Around 125 worker cooperatives affected by the earthquake in Spain

Position paper

Around 125 worker cooperatives have been affected by the magnitude 5.1 earthquake, which occurred Wednesday 11th May with the epicenter in the town of Lorca (Spain). According to the president of the Worker Cooperatives Union o...

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16 May 2011

Co-operatives UK to launch petition calling for action to narrow the gap between rich and poor

Position paper

In 2010, the whole cooperative movement mobilised at the occasion of the first 'Co-operatives Fortnight'. The campaign got 2.3 million people involved, around 70,000 were active online and the media coverage reached ove...

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16 May 2011

Cooperatives and social innovation

Position paper

The European Parliament has adopted an own-initiative report by Judith A. Merkies (S&D, NL) on May 12th in response to the European Commission Communication setting out the main initiatives needed to create “Europe 20...

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11 May 2011

3. Past Projects

Position paper

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