
Employment &
Social Inclusion



17 Jan 2013

CECOP answer to EC consultation reduced VAT rates

Position paper


11 Jan 2013

CICOPA policy recommendations following the International Year of Cooperatives

Position paper


10 Jan 2013

CECOP answer EC consultation "Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan"

Position paper


03 Jan 2013

Scenes from the documentary Together available on the TV channel France 2

Position paper

Some scenes from the documentary Together, produced by CECOP – CICOPA Europe and filmed by the worker cooperative, m30m were shown on the French television channel France 2, on 30th December. The images have been included...

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13 Dec 2012

300 people took part in a meeting focused on the International Year of Cooperatives in Prague

Position paper

The Union of Czech Republic Production Cooperatives, SČMVD, organized a two-day meeting focused on the International Year of Cooperatives in Prague. The event was attended by 300 participants where members of the cooperative mo...

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10 Dec 2012

Jobs in Spanish worker cooperatives increase despite the crisis

Position paper

In spite of the fact that nearly 6 million people are unemployed in Spain, last studies from the Spanish Confederation of Worker Cooperatives, COCETA confirm that even if those enterprises are also suffering the crisis, the num...

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07 Dec 2012

Co-operatives UK launches a new edition of its worker cooperative code of governance

Position paper

In 2006, a group of experienced UK worker cooperators explained how to use the cooperative principles to create good cooperative businesses. In 2012, Co-operatives UK has updated this code, to help people create and defend dece...

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06 Dec 2012

36,000 new jobs were created in Italian cooperatives in 2012

Position paper

Despite the current crisis, it is estimated that between 2007 and 2011, employment in cooperatives has increased by 8%, compared with a decrease of 2.3% in all types of enterprises in Italy. In 2012, the employment in Italian c...

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28 Nov 2012

European Social Innovation Competition, apply before 21th December

Position paper

European Commission has launched a competition to find the best social innovation solutions to help people move towards work or into new types of work. A maximun of three best proposals will each be awarded with a prize of 20,0...

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22 Nov 2012

Publications available in PDF !

Position paper

The three books “Cooperatives, Territories and Jobs: Twenty experiences of cooperatives active in industry and services across Europe”, “Beyond the Crisis: Cooperatives, Work, Finance. Generating Wealth for th...

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20 Nov 2012

French minister proposes 7 measures to double the number of worker cooperatives in five years

Position paper

The French Minister of Social and Solidarity Economy, Benoît Hamon has participated in the international conference of cooperatives, organized jointly by CICOPA and CG Scop on 16th November. He presented the draft law on...

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19 Nov 2012

20th November: Official closing of the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives in New York

Position paper

The official closing of the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives (IYC), “Promoting Cooperatives Beyond 2012” will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York tomorrow 20th November. The ev...

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16 Nov 2012

International Conference of worker and social cooperatives

Position paper

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07 Nov 2012

The strength of inter-cooperation, key for the future of the cooperative movement

Position paper

With this year coming to an end, there are many conclusions and considerations we can already take from the past months. Co-operatives United compiled some of them in the event that marked the close of the United Nations Intern...

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29 Oct 2012

Co-operatives United, the close of the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives 2012

Position paper

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27 Oct 2012

A melody of cooperation around the world

Position paper

CICOPA launches a musical project that calls anyone to participate with songs in any language that transmit messages about cooperative work or cooperation. The songs selected will be available in a disc. The “world music...

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15 Oct 2012

CECOP participates in the conference 'Social Enterprises and the Europe 2020 Strategy” at the EESC

Position paper

Bruno Roelants, Secretary General of CECOP participated in the conference 'Social Enterprises and the Europe 2020 Strategy: innovative solutions for a sustainable Europe' organized by the European Economic and Social Co...

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05 Oct 2012

Full version of the documentary Together already available!


The full version of the documentary TOGETHER is already available. This is a low definition file, if you want to purchase the DVD. The film shows the resilience of cooperatives to the crisis through testimonies of staff of four...

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28 Sep 2012

CECOP answer to the consultation on General block exemption Regulation

Position paper


24 Sep 2012

Photo Exhibition “Through their eyes” at the European Parliament

Position paper

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20 Sep 2012

The European Parliament holds next week the photo exhibition “Through their eyes”

Position paper

CECOP – CICOPA Europe is organizing the picture exhibition “Through their eyes” to be held from 24th to 27th September at the European Parliament, with the support of the member of European Parliament Marie-Ch...

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07 Sep 2012

Hamon highlights the resilience of cooperatives to the crisis

Position paper

Benoît Hamon, the French Deputy Minister for Social and Solidarity Economy, participated yesterday at the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup. In his speech he highlighted the cooperatives resilience to...

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06 Sep 2012

Handbook 3: European Union policies and policy processes, Internal market, enterprise and social policies

Position paper

How does function the EU decision-making process? Are all decisions taken by EU legally binding for Member States and do they have the same impact? What are EU prerogatives when it concerns Member States competences? Those are...

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06 Sep 2012

Handbook 2: The open method of coordination

Position paper

This second handbook analyses the main challenges of the ambitious Lisbon Strategy set up for ten years in 2000 by EU and its Member States. It provides a better understand the tool called open method of coordination (OMC), des...

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06 Sep 2012

Handbook 1: The European Union institutions and how they function

Position paper

This first handbook attempts at explaining how EU regulation increasingly impacts on our enterprises, how the various EU institutions function and interact with each other, and how representative organisations like CECOP can in...

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