The first part of this report briefly summarize the challenges facing Greece as well as the existing cooperative and social economy context, both in terms of regulatory framework and of the reality on the ground.
The second part tries to summarize some CICOPA network’s experience and expertise in different countries across the world, which appears to be particularly relevant to the Greek context today, such as business transfers to the employees of enterprises on the verge of closing down, the integration of vulnerable groups, social services to small children and the elderly, the rural economy, artisans’ groupings, tourism, economic organising among immigrants, multi-stakeholder and mixed forms of cooperatives.
The third part describes the international coordinating experience of CICOPA itself, in running complex development projects, stimulating the setting up of national cooperative federations, elaborating world sectoral cooperative standards, as well as analysing and advising on a vast array of cooperative legislation.
The fourth part provides a series of recommendations based on CICOPA’s own development experience on how to launch a social economy project grounded in the promotion of cooperatives in Greece in the near future.
You can download the study here.