CECOP has just signed the contract. A first coordination meeting will take place, as planned, in mid December between the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), CECOP, DIESIS, and SDA (ETUC's technical unit).
CECOP is the project coordinator and DIESIS is in charge of technical, financial and logistical management. The project will last one year.
Apart from the above-mentioned organisations, the formal project partners are CGSCOP, ANCPL, ANCST, Legacoopsociali, Federlavoro, Federsolidarietà, COCETA, CONFESAL, FKÜ, KFO, SCMVD, and Cooperatives-UK. Those partners will provide co-financing and specific expertise into the project.
But, as previously mentioned, all CECOP members will be invited to take part in the project (by providing data, coming to the project conference etc).
We will come back soon to the project in CECOP LINK.
Please note that most communications concerning the project will be on CECOP LINK, which is, as we underlined several times, a regular e-mailing system to CECOP members rather than a newsletter.
The idea is to send you one e-mail every week instead of several e-mails on different topics.