Luca Dal Pozzo, new President of CECOP
06 May 2014
Position paper
The General Assembly of CECOP, gathered today in Brussels, has elected Luca Dal Pozzo as the new President of CECOP. With this election, he becomes also Vice-President of CICOPA for Europe. Mr. Dal Pozzo has been Vice-President of CECOP since 2010, and in his own country, Italy, he is Vice-President of Federsolidarietà-Confcooperative, the largest Italian Federation of Social Cooperatives. He is also a member of the National Board of Confcooperative and Vice-President of the CGM Consortium (Consorzio Gino Mattarelli), the biggest entrepreneurial group of social cooperatives in Italy and in the world.
Luca Dal Pozzo is President of the cooperative group Solco Imola and the regional consortium “Winner”. Solco Imola is a consortium of social cooperatives operating in the Imola region, founded in 1996, and part of the CGM Consortium.
The 450 workers of Solco Imola work for more than 5,000 persons and offer services in different areas of healthcare. “Winner” is a consortium of social cooperatives in Emilia-Romagna, working towards the recognition of the value of the best local experiences for the integrated planning and innovation of social cooperative activities.
He succeeds Rossano Rimelli who has been President of CECOP for the last 4 years.