The European Commission has estimated that around 150,000 enterprises employing around 600,000 persons may be lost over the next few years, if no transfer plan or heir is found for them.
Over the last years, several hundred enterprises, mostly SMEs, that were on the verge of being closed down, have been successfully transferred to their employees under the form of a cooperative. When European Commission is putting on the top of its agenda the issue of business transfers (see “Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan”), CECOP – CICOPA Europe has decided to organise the conference “Sustainable business transfers in Europe, with specific focus on business transfers to employees” on 3rd June, at the European Economic and Social Committee in order to analyse the environment and policy measures necessary for successful and sustainable business transfers to employees.
You can register through this link as the number of seats is limited, registration before 23rd May is compulsory.