CECOP welcomes the Toledo Declaration on 'The Social and Solidarity Economy as a key driver for an inclusive and sustainable Future’ that was signed by 19 EU member states on December 4th in Toledo, Spain. During a summit organized by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy in Toledo, Europe’s Capital of Social Economy 2020, several member states signed this crucial declaration following the Luxemburg Declaration of 2015, the Bratislava Declaration of 2016, the Ljubljana Declaration of 2017 and the 2019 ‘Pact for Impact’, initiated by the French government.
At the presence of the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit and the ILO's Director General Guy Rider, the signatories committed themselves to raise awareness, support social economy ecosystems, provide sufficient national and European funding for the Social and Solidarity Economy, and highlight the important role of social economy enterprises in the post-Covid-19 recovery and to foster the internationalization of the SSE and its support networks.
The continuous commitment to recognise the important role of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the European and international agenda is well timed in light of the upcoming EU Action Plan on the Social Economy, and at the start of the Portuguese presidency of the Council of the European Union.