As part of the implementation of the 2022 Council Recommendation on access to affordable high-quality long-term care, which accompanied the introduction of the broader European Care Strategy, it is recommended that EU Member States submit a national action plan. These plans outlining the national measures on long-term care that national governments are taking or are planning to take are expected to be submitted by 8 June 2024. 

CECOP signed a joint statement, put forward by COFACE, and signed by 16 other European networks active on care, calling on national governments and the European Commission to ensure open and transparent reporting mechanisms for the European Care Strategy in order to guarantee its effective monitoring and implementation. As such, the statement urges national governments and the European Commission to deliver the national action plans in a timely manner and to make them publicly available. 

Within the care economy, cooperatives make indispensable contributions to quality care across the EU while also providing quality work to caregivers. They reinvest their profits to further improve services, ensuring quality, effectiveness, and affordability.  

Read our full statement here.