Also present, were Mirko Curavic, Head of Unit at the European Commission's DG Enterprise, and Jan Olsson from the European Economic and Social Committee.
The Minister Ademov emphasised the importance of the fair for the development of employment for disabled workers in Bulgaria. The European Commission representative underlined "the importance of the social economy and social cooperatives" across the EU. CECOP Secretary General Bruno Roelants participated as a speaker at the conference which took place alongside the fair, underlining the importance of the experience of cooperatives for the development of social enterprises dealing with work integration for disadvantaged people.
Visitors from al; around Europe exchanged their experiences with their Bulgarian colleagues in the third European Fair of Social Enterprises and Cooperatives for People with Disabilities.
The Minister and other officials visited the fair, including the stand of CECOP, of CECOP Italian member Federlavoro and Romanian member UCECOM, as well as those of 25 Bulgarian cooperatives employing disabled people and specialised in garment production.
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