
Employment &
Social Inclusion



04 Nov 2016

Great success of the SCIS2016: 4 days of international exchanges on social cooperatives


Social cooperatives are among the most vital actors of the economy in today’s world, showing the capacity to understand the challenges our societies face today. 30 Cooperative managers from Italy, Japan, Croatia, Czech Re...

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31 Oct 2016

Béatrice Barras, co-founder of French cooperative Ardelaine, receives the French state medal “Order of Merit”


Béatrice Barras, co-founder of worker cooperative Ardelaine, has received the French state medal of the “Ordre du Mérite ». Ardelaine is the fruit of the restauration in the 1970s of a crumbling wool mill in a small village of Ard...

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18 Oct 2016

European industrial and service cooperatives participate in the International Summit of Cooperatives


The third International Summit of Cooperatives, an initiative of the International Co-operative Alliance and Desjardins Group, took place from 11 to 13 October, gathering 2,950 participants from 116 countries, this year focused...

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16 Sep 2016

Are you a cooperative manager? Register to the SCIS2016 before 22 September: few seats left!


Are you a social cooperative manager willing to know other international experiences? Keep on reading. Register before 22 September for the Social Cooperatives International School (SCIS2016), to be held in Naples (Italy) from...

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15 Sep 2016

The European Parliament recognises the job creation potential of small and medium cooperatives in industry and services

Press release

Today, the plenary session of the European Parliament has approved the report entitled 'How best to harness the job creation potential of SMEs?', which is aimed at supporting SMEs in their efforts to combat the unemploy...

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23 Aug 2016

Italy has adopted a reform of the third sector which introduces significant new developments


Social entrepreneurship in Italy may well be about to experience a new period of developments. The reform of the third sector, which was approved by the Parliament in June, has established a framework with a view to the introdu...

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11 Aug 2016

Cooperatives in industry and services share their expertise for the design of the EC Start Up Initiative

Position paper

CECOP has recently published the answer of cooperatives active in industry and services to a European Commission (EC) Public consultation under the Start-up Initiative. Divided into three primary phases (the stand-up phase, the...

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05 Aug 2016

First Greek law covering both social cooperatives and worker cooperatives to be discussed soon at the national parliament


The Greek government has prepared a draft law on Social and Solidarity Economy and the development of its agencies, which will soon be discussed by the Greek parliament. While part of the law is on the wider social and solidari...

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18 Jul 2016

Social Cooperatives International School from 20 to 23 October in Naples


The second edition of the Social Cooperatives International School (SCIS2016) will be held in Naples (Italy) from 20 to 23 October 2016. The School, with a high entrepreneurial profile, is specifically addressed to cooperatives...

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01 Jul 2016

Industrial and service cooperatives: essential allies to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Press release

Tomorrow is the International Day of Cooperatives. To celebrate it, the international cooperative movement is showing how those enterprises promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ‘Co-operatives:...

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27 Jun 2016

France announces the creation of the first Scop grouping: Calice


Since 31 July 2014, the law on the SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy) has authorised the creation of groupings of Scops in order to improve the model’s competitiveness. The Scop Movement has supported the efforts made to...

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27 Jun 2016

Elections: Giuseppe Guerini new President of CECOP


The General Assembly of CECOP, gathered in Brussels on 23 June, has elected Beppe Guerini as the new President of CECOP. With this election, he will also become Vice-President of CICOPA for Europe. Beppe Guerini has been a soci...

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24 Jun 2016

Cultural.coop, reimagining cultural work


“The lives of cultural workers are complex and contradictory; insecurity, low pay, long hours, pressure and anxiety are often the prize to pay for some degree of pleasure and autonomy at work”, complains Marisol San...

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23 Jun 2016

Cooperatives, journalism, and freedom of expression in Spain


Over the last few years, media companies have made many cut-backs in Spain, and lots of journalists have lost their job. Furthermore, young journalists who have just completed their degree or who are not able to find employment...

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13 Jun 2016

Last year 8,533 first jobs were created in new cooperatives in Spain


Just like the previous years, 2015 was a good year for worker cooperatives. In fact, 8,533 first jobs were created in new cooperatives. To put this into perspective, since the crisis began in 2008, the number of cooperatives cr...

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30 May 2016

Worker, social and producers' cooperatives, a way to fight social exclusion for young people?


Cooperatives can be part of the solution for the younger generations in Europe, as they are facing the highest levels of unemployment and precarious jobs. This statement is part of the report recently published by the European You...

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11 May 2016

Kooperationen is planning its Second Conference on Community-owned Energy Cooperatives in Denmark


The CICOPA Danish member Kooperationen is already planning its second conference for community-owned renewable energy cooperatives, which will be organised together with the Middelgrunden wind cooperative.

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10 May 2016

Spanish women feel better and achieve higher positions working in cooperatives


When speaking about cooperatives and gender, Spain is no different from other parts of the world. Spanish women can obtain better jobs and feel better working in cooperatives.

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02 May 2016

CoopBiciclot is getting bigger through the creation of Can Picó


Biciclot, which is a member of the Cooproute and is a bike recycling cooperative that works with people in need and offers bike tours for groups of 4 to 40 people in Barcelona, is getting bigger, thanks to the City Council supp...

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29 Apr 2016

Social economy enterprises got together at Plovdiv (Bulgaria)


More than 100 exhibitors from 16 countries participated in the Fifth European Fair of social economy enterprises and cooperatives in the city of Plovdiv (Bulgaria), which took place from 31 March to 3 April 2016.

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11 Apr 2016

Declaration on migrants and refugees

Position paper

The gravest migration and humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II and other serious challenges migrants are facing all over the world have urged cooperatives in industry and services, -which are people-centred enterpri...

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11 Apr 2016

The “Koperattiva Għawdxija tal-Bizzilla u Artiġjanat”, a cooperative example of women working together in Gozo (Malta) to improve their lives


The “Koperattiva Ghawdxija tal-Bizzilla u Artigjanat”, is a cooperative that consists of 16 members, who are all women. They are lace-makers, living in Gozo, and provide the local market with high quality hand-made...

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10 Apr 2016

Work Together - April 2016


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31 Mar 2016

Responsible Construction Worker Cooperatives in the Construction sector launch their CSR label


Several cooperative and participative enterprises in the French construction sector will soon be able to display the Worker Cooperatives BTP (Construction and Public Works) label on all of their documents. This label has been g...

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23 Mar 2016



We wish to thank all the people from around Europe who sent us messages of solidarity with us and the people finding themselves in Belgium, and asking if we were safe. Fortunately we in CECOP are all well. We consider such atta...

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