The text does only exclude a few social services from its application field and does not really guarantee the right for everyone to access high-quality SIG (services of general interest).
There is an urgent need to implement a specific legal framework for SIG, such as the European Parliament has officially required (see CECOP LINK 2006/07) which is more than necessary.
Celsig organised on Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 November a European seminar on “Promoting SIG for all: which European legal framework?” to which CECOP participated.
Celsig, CEEP presented the directive project they drafted, as the European Trade Union Confederation announced that they will launch a European petition hoping to gather the required million of signatures.
These texts will be soon uploaded and submitted to your opinion and further detailed information will be thus input. CECOP contacted ETUC in order to participate to the elaboration of the petition text.