He has been director of social cooperatives and consortia, and he is also active in the field of health services, social and educational services and welfare.
Today he is the President of the social cooperative “Ecosviluppo”, which has the objective of creating job opportunities for disadvantaged persons in the management of environmental services.
"I will work hardly to strengthen the impact of worker and social cooperatives in front of the European Union", Mr Guerini emphasized at the General Assembly of CECOP. During the last few years, Beppe Guerini has committed himself to the enhancement of the European and International dimension of the cooperative movement, particularly through his work at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).
He was, among other tasks, involved in the work done by the Committee on the measures related to the “Social Business Initiative” and was appointed rapporteur of the EESC on the topic. Beppe Guerini succeeds Luca dal Pozzo who has been President of CECOP for the last 2 years. For more information: www.federsolidarieta.confcooperative.it