COOPEXPO is the largest co-operative exhibition where our member co-operative societies present and sale their products. Traditionally, it is connected with the fashion shows and the rich accompanying programme. Every year about 700 exhibitors from Slovakia and from foreign countries participate. Last year, about 100 000 visitors visited these popular exhibitions and they were largely interested in textile products, glass and ceramics, furniture, plastic products, household and gardens facilities, cosmetics.

Co-operatives from the Czech Republic and Poland regularly take part in the exhibition. The co-operatives, the co-operative organizations from foreign countries have the same exclusive conditions for their exhibition as the Slovak co-operatives. All important information, including the application form in electronic format are accessible at the following web page:

Would you need any additional information, please contact directly the Slovak Union of Producer's Co-operatives, the department of enterpreneurial activities or by phone 00421 2 58 241 221, - 370, fax: 00421 2 53 412 395. We cordially invite all co-operative societies to take part in the COOPEXPO 2006!

  • Slovak Union of Producer's Co-operatives
  • Mliekarenská 10 _ 824 92 Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Website:
  • E-mail:
  • Tel: +00421 2 58 241 221, - 370
  • Fax: +00421 2 53 412 395