As part of our continuous effort to stay close to our members and their needs, and as we strive for reducing the gap between Brussels and the regional/local or cooperative level, CECOP members, including regional/local structures of CECOP members, board members of CECOP members, and representatives of the cooperatives affiliated to our members were invited to a two-day event.
The event offered a unique opportunity to better understand CECOP’s advocacy work in Brussels, to meet our partners, gain insights into the functioning of the European institutions, and connect with CECOP members and cooperative leaders from across Europe.
Altogether, the event had 17 participants from Italy, Malta, Spain and Sweden. The visits included a visit of the first microbrewery cooperative in Brussels, CoHop, where we discovered more about this eco-responsible brewery, which offers quality craft beers and has a positive social impact.
The event also included an information session at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), where participants had the opportunity to learn about CECOP’s work and meet our partners, including Alessia Di Gregorio, Deputy Head of Unit G2 - Proximity, Social Economy & Creative Industries at DG GROW, Brigitte Fellahi-Brognaux, Head of Unit G3 - Social and Inclusive Entrepreneurship at DG EMPL, MEP Idoia Mendia (S&D), Cooperatives Europe and Social Economy Europe.
Following a networking lunch at the EESC, participants toured the European Parliament Hemicycle, the center of EU decision-making.
This event is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.