Meet Agresta the Spanish worker cooperative seeking forestry solutions for a more livable society.

Agresta was established in 2000 by a group of 10 forestry engineering students with the aim of entering the job market together, cooperating instead of competing, and promoting their ideas about environmental sustainability and forest management. They also sought to redefine the concept of business and work organization from the perspective of social and solidarity economy.
This approach to the job market remains quite innovative within environmental consulting firms. Their motto then and now is "Another way of doing things."

AGRESTA a workers cooperative focused on environmental consulting with a strong innovative and technological motivation, applying forestry management which improves the care of forests to contribute to developing a low carbon economy and integrate the needs of forests with those of humans.

They work to improve forestry areas, making use of innovation and putting into practice the values of the cooperative model. They apply their knowledge with quality and seriousness from the ground, using the latest technologies in remote sensing, and seeking forestry solutions that allow them to build a more livable society. Indeed, AGRESTA wants the forest and forestry sector to benefit from new ways of doing and thinking, with cutting-edge science and technologies. Anticipating, experimenting, exploring, provoking change, focusing on people and Innovation.

At present, the cooperative empoyees 50 people  among which 35 are members, 40% are women, and 10% are young people, under 35.

When it comes to the governance of the cooperative the Assembly serves as the top governing body of the cooperative. The Governing Council, consisting of four individuals elected biennially, holds the presidency. This council delegates operational management to a team composed of department coordinators, a commercial manager, a financial manager, and a personnel manager within the cooperative. “Transparency and continuous communication allowing the participation of all AGRESTA members with solidarity and empathy are some of the characteristics that describe the governance of the cooperative.” Says Pablo Ascasíbar Allona, consultant and founding member of Agresta

When it comes to the wealth of the workers, the cooperative prioritizes work-life balance measures, exceeding legal requirements and collective agreements. It emphasises flexible scheduling, continuous training, and remote work since 2010. Examples include extended parental leave, flexible work arrangements, salary approval by the Assembly, reduced working hours, and offering permanent contracts, fostering a supportive work environment.By putting into practice the sixth cooperative principle, “cooperation among cooepratives”, AGRESTA actively collaborates with other cooperatives developing projects at national and international levels.They remain available in participating with other cooperatives in projects at the national, European, and International level.


For the members of AGRESTA the greatest value of being a cooperative is to create and develop projects, having all the business decision-making tools available to all members of the cooperative, sharing the definition of values, mission, and objectives, and trying to create a more egalitarian and sustainable world based on cooperation between people.

“We want the forest and forestry sector to benefit from new ways of doing and thinking, with cutting-edge science and technologies. Anticipating, experimenting, exploring, provoking change, focusing on people and cooperating to improve this world.”

Comments Pablo when asked about the cooperatives' impact on society.

With this in mind, AGRESTA continues to grow and expand its knowledge and way of working nationally and internationally through different projects. In 2023, AGRESTA was awarded the European Social Economy awards in the category of Green Transition.

AGRESTA is a member of COCETA, our Spanish member. In fact AGRESTA is member of COOPERAMA (Workers Cooperatives Union of Madrid) and COOPERAMA is a member of COCETA.

