What is CECOP?
CECOP is the European confederation of industrial and service cooperatives. Our aim is to bring democracy and solidarity to the workplace, sustainable economic growth, and social cohesion.
CECOP is the European confederation of industrial and service cooperatives. Our aim is to bring democracy and solidarity to the workplace, sustainable economic growth, and social cohesion.
Our members are national federations of cooperatives and organisations that promote cooperatives. We represent 27 members in 16 European countries. We give voice to 40.000 enterprises and 1.3 million workers.
Giving voice to those women and men that every day put in practice what we defend and advocate for in CECOP, #COOPTALES shows a different way of doing economy where democratic and social values are drivers of a common project.
The European Commission conducted a consultation to collect evidence from stakeholders for the upcoming Single Market Strategy, to be launched by June 2025.
On the occasion of the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives launched by the United Nations, the European Commission is organising a one-day event to promote the cooperative model.
Happy International Year of Cooperatives to everyone!
On 11-12 December, CECOP organised an event “What is CECOP’s role in the EU?”.
On 4 December 2024, CECOP took part in the policy debate organised by the Social Platform, “The Future of Long-Term Care in Europe”.
On 14-16 October 2024, the first Minister’s Meeting on Inclusion and Disability was held in Umbria, Italy, under the framework of the Italian Presidency of the G7.
CECOP had the opportunity to participate in the European Commission's campaign “Social Economy Voices”.
On 12 November 2024, CECOP was invited to speak at the conference organised by the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) European Commission on “Affordable high-quality long-term care: Catalysing dialogue and action under the European Care Str...
On 5 November 2024 the event co-organised by CECOP and Cooperatives Europe, with the support from REScoop, EACB, Euro Coop, and COGECA, took place in the European Parliament in Brussels.
In the second half of 2024, CECOP co-hosted a series of three Mutual Learning Sessions (MLS) for members on the topic of gender equality.
CECOP's 2022-2023 data collection shows the size and variety of its cooperative network, highlighting membership, workforce, and economic trends across different industries
Industrial and service cooperatives’ priorities for European elections 2024